Mr. M R Sivaraman IAS (Retd)
Vice-President, Chennai Centre for China Studies, Former Revenue Secretary, Govt of India
Shri M R Sivaraman IAS (Retd) was formerly the Revenue Secretary of India and belongs to the 1962 batch of the IAS of the Madhya Pradesh Cadre. Mr. Sivaraman served as Executive Director at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington DC with the rank of Ambassador to the US during 1996-1999. At the IMF, Sivaraman pushed the case for emergent market economies to use PPP based GDP for determining Quotas and Voting strength which ultimately the IMF adopted. Sivaraman was also appointed by the UN to be one of the first Advisors to the newly formed UN Security Council Committee on counter terrorism in which role he helped the UNSC to prepare the member countries to implement the UN resolution 1373 passed after the 9/11 attack. He is a distinguished member of C3S and has been guiding researchers in technology, trade and commerce issues specific to China and Asia. He was also the Director General of Civil Aviation during which time he was closely involved with key technologies changing the field of civil aviation in India.