26 September

Global Conference on New Sinology (GCNS)

The Grand, New Delhi
26 - 27 SEPTEMBER 2024


The Global Conference on New Sinology (GCNS) held annually by The Organisation for Research on China and Asia (ORCA) aims to assemble the finest global minds in Sinology from diverse academic backgrounds to deliberate the instruments and impacts of China’s art of power. The theme of this year's conference is 'The Art of Power in Zhongnanhai', which encapsulates the symbolic and substantial preeminence of China’s seat of power in politics, economics, foreign policy and military affairs. The conference will host four sessions, along with a special session, each focusing on a specific question that the deliberations within the same will seek to answer. The format of dialogue is divided across Panels, Roundtables, Keynote Addresses, Experts' Dialogues and Special Events.


September 2024 The Grand, New Delhi


Concept Note

The theme of ORCA's Global Conference on New Sinology (GCNS) 2024 is The Art of Power in Zhongnanhai


Zhongnanhai, often seen as a black box of Chinese power, is the nucleus of all decision-making in China. Enclosed within its walls are the power corridors of China that guide momentous change and continuity in its social, political, and economic landscape. While Beijing’s authoritative governance leads to the perception of a monolithic China, several actors and processes interact to shape, cultivate, deploy, and manage power that flows from the heights of Zhongnanhai to the edges of the world. Understanding this Art of Power in Zhongnanhai is instrumental for decision-makers around the world to gauge and prepare for China’s ambitions for superpower status. The Global Conference on New Sinology 2024 seeks to bring together the brightest minds in the field of Sinology to deliberate the instruments and impacts of China’s art of power. The conference will dissect China’s growing military strength and its evolution into a modernized armed force that is increasingly willing to assert itself in maritime and continental domains around the world. The conference will also analyse the inner workings of the Communist Party of China, its method of centralizing control, and the thought process of its top leaders. With China’s economy struggling for momentum, the conference will detail domestic economic headwinds while also examining external economic risks that imperil Beijing’s economic power. China’s foreign policy, keen to project a favorable image of China and develop a new type of international relations, will be studied to reveal the impact of various stakeholders participating in foreign policy implementation.


Peruse through the schedule of ORCA's inaugural Global Conference on New Sinology (GCNS).
Click on the events to read more.

  • By Ms. Eerishika Pankaj, Head of Research and Operations Director at Organisation for Research on China and Asia (ORCA)

  • Topic | The Art of Power in Zhongnanhai

Break for Morning Tea


  • Lt. Gen. S L Narasimhan, Former Director General, Centre for Contemporary China Studies (CCCS)
    Topic |
     Tri-Service organizational reforms in PLA, PLAN, PLAAF - Personnel changes in PLA and MOD - CCDI within PLA - CMC 'war cabinet' - Taiwan and India focus - Integration of command structures for multi-domain joint capability

  • TBD


  • TBD

  • TBD

  • Lt. Gen. (Dr) Rakesh Sharma, Gen. Bipin Rawat Chair of Excellence, The United Service Institution of India (USI)
    Topic | The Middle Sector: A template for Peace or a Future Flashpoint?


  • Capt. S.S. Parmar, Distinguished Fellow, Centre for Military History and Conflict Studies, United Service Institution of India (USI)
    Topic | Projecting Power in the Indian Ocean Region: From Surveillance to Anti-Piracy

  • TBD

  • Dr. Ma Bo, Associate Professor, School of International Studies, Nanjing University and Deputy Director, China Center for Collaborative Study of the South China Sea, Nanjing University
    TopicChina and SIDS: Whose Security and Whose Safety? 

  • Cmde. Anil Jai SinghSenior Vice President, Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems India and Vice President, Indian Maritime Foundation, Delhi               
    TopicIOR in PLAN's Maritime Security Strategy

  • Dr. Pooja Bhatt, Former Consultant, MEA
    Topic | Silent Nets: China's IU2 Fishing as a Non-Traditional Security Threat to the IOR


Break for Lunch


  • Dr. Guoguang Wu, Senior Research Scholar, Stanford Center on China's Economy and Institutions, Stanford University and Senior Fellow on Chinese Politics, Centre fo China Analysis, Asia Society Policy Insititute (ASPI)
    | The 'face' of the Chairman - Xi's Loyalists - Organisation and Propaganda Department's role in building Xi's 'Cult of Personality' - Role of Security Apparatus - Leading Small Groups  

  • Dr. Wen-Hsuan Tsai, Research Fellow, Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica, (Taiwan)  
    Topic | People Behind the Scene - Role of Xi's Family as Addvisors and Protectors - Xi's Protoges and Factional Network - Party Elders and Presidium - Beidaihe Meetings - Financiers of Xi's Loyalists


  • Dr. Ritu Agarwal, Associate Professor, Centre for East Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University
    Topic | The Party's Evolving Ethnic Policies: Assimiilating IIdentities and Mitigating Dissent 

  • TBD

  • Dr. Swaran Singh, Professor, Centre for International Politics, Organisation and Disarmament, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University 
    Topic |
    Tracking the Trend: Internet Censorship and Public Opinion Control


  • Mr. Rahul Karan Reddy, Senior Research Associate, Organisation for Research on China andd Asia
    Topic |
    Disciplining the Party: Purging Tigers, Foxes and Flies

  • Dr. Devendra Kumar (TBC), Associate Fellow, Centre of Excellence for Himalayan Studies, Shiv Nadar University
    Topic | Enforcing the Xi Jinping Thought: From Training to Campaigns

  • Mr. Charles Parton, Senior Associate Fellow, The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) and Distinguished Fellow, Council on Geostrategy
    Topic | Managing the Mandarins: Party Control of State Apparatus

  • TBD

  • Dr. Wen-Hsuan Tsai, Research Fellow, Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica, (Taiwan)
    | The Unwritten Norm of Policy Experimentation at the Local Level

  • Dr. Kerry Brown, Professor, Chinese Studies and Director, Lau China Institute, King’s College, London
    Topic | Xi Jinping's Leadership Psychology


Break for Evening Tea


  • Dr. Austin Strange, Assistant Professor, Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Hong Kong
    Topic | Pursuing Status at the cost of Development? The Political Pull of BRI for the Global South

  • Dr. Chen Gang, Deputy Director (Policy Research) and Senior Research Fellow, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore
    Topic |
    Global South in Xi Jinping's Legacy: Why Winning the Narrative Battle Matters

  • TBD

  • Dr. Manpreet Sethi, Distinguished Fellow, Centre for Air Power Studies, New Delhi
    Topic | Building Clean Energy Partnerships with Global South NNWS: Why India Must Lead the Way

  • Amb. Venu Rajamony, Professor, Diplomatic Practice, O.P. Jindal Global University and Former Ambassador of India to the Netherlands
    Topic | India's Immovable Centrality in the Global South Narrative

Dinner - Invite-Only Delegates


  • TBD

  • TBD

  • Dr. Austin Strange, Assistant Professor, Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Hong Kong
    Topic | Breaking the Bank Fighting or Financing: What about the BRI?

  • TBD

  • Dr. G. Venkat Raman, Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Management, Indore
    Topic | Choices and Dynamics of Mobilising China's Wartime Economy

  • TBD

Break for Morning Tea


  • Dr. G. Venkat Raman, Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Management, Indore
    | Indian Perspective on Chinese goods flooding the Indian Market - Oversupply as a secuirty risk - Tariff and Non-Tariff barriers - Building up domestic industries (PLI and Make in India) - How to invigorate industrial policy in India to respond to Chinese overcapacity

  • TBD


  • TBD

  • TBD

  • TBD

  • Mr. Omkar Bhole, Senior Research Associate, Organisation for Research on China and Asia (ORCA)
    Topic | China's Uphill Battle for Digital Yuan: From Regulations to Reception


  • TBD

  • TBD

  • Dr. Jabin Jacob, Associate Professor, Department of International Relations and Governance Studies, and Director, Centre of Excellence for Himalayan Studies at Shiv Nadar University, Delhi NCR
    Topics | Officially Atheist CPC's Buddhist Statecraft

  • Dr. Gunjan Singh, Associate Professor, Jindal Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University
    Telling Chinese Stories well: Influencing Media Operations Abroad

  • Dr. Chen Gang, Deputy Director and Senior Research Fellow, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore
    Topic | Projecting the Green Image: China's Climate Diplomacy

  • Dr. Veda Vaidyanathan, Associate Fellow, Foreign Policy and Secuirty Studies, Centre for Social and Economic Progress, (CSEP)
    Topic |
    Expanding China's Health Silk Road: Vaccines, Infrastructure and TCM


  • Dr. Bali Deepak, Professor, Chinese and China Studies at the Centre of Chinese and Southeast Asian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
    Topic | Ideological Interpretation of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy - How to understand China's diplo-speak on its foreign policy endeavours? - major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics - CSFH, independent foreign policy of peace, two guidances, true multilateralism, win-win cooperation, historical responsibility/right direction of history

  • Dr. Ma Bo, Associate Professor, School of International Studies, Nanjing University and Deputy Director, China Center for Collaborative Study of the South China Sea, Nanjing University
    Topic | What aspects of 'new type of international relations' are they focusing on most and where is wolf warrior diplomacy placed in this? - China's role as a mediator and engagement in conflict areas? - How have Wolf Warrior diplomats fared and where are they placed? - Network of global partnerships (eg. BRI)



  • TBD

  • Dr. Kerry Brown, Professor, Chinese Studies and Director, Lau China Institute, King’s College, London
    Topic | How the Party Views the Initiative?

  • Mr. Charles Parton, Senior Associate Fellow, The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) and Distinguished Fellow, Council on Geostrategy
    Topic | Setting China Standards 2035: Proliferation of Chinese CIMs via the DSR

  • TBD

  • Dr. Guoguang Wu, Senior Research Scholar, Stanford Center on China's Economy and Institutions, Stanford University and Senior Fellow on Chinese Politics, Center for China Analysis, Asia Society Policy Institute
    Topic |  Consultants of Zhongnanhai: The Role of Academic Institutions in Chinese Foreign Policymaking

  • By Ms. Eerishika Pankaj, Head of Research and Operations Director at Organisation for Research on China and Asia (ORCA)

Who’s Speaking

Our speakers for ORCA's Global Conference on New Sinology 2024

Dr. Guoguang Wu

Senior Research Scholar, Stanford Center on China's Economy and Institutions, Stanford University

Dr. Kerry Brown

Professor, Chinese Studies and Director, Lau China Institute, King’s College, London

Lt. Gen. S L Narasimhan

Former Director General, Centre for Contemporary China Studies and Adjunct Professor, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru

Captain Sarabjeet Singh Parmar (Retd)

Distinguished Fellow Centre for Military History and Conflict Studies, United Service Institution of India (USI)

Dr. Ma Bo

Associate Professor, School of International Studies, and Assistant Director at China Center for Collaborative Study of the South China Sea, Nanjing University, China

Cmde. Anil Jai Singh

Vice President and Head-Delhi branch, Indian Maritime Foundation and Senior Vice President, Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems India

Dr. Pooja Bhatt

Former Consultant, MEA

Dr. Wen-Hsuan Tsai

Research Fellow, Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica

Dr. Ritu Agarwal

Associate Professor at Centre for East Asian studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University

Dr. Swaran Singh

Professor, Centre for International Politics, Organisation and Disarmament, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University

Dr. Austin Strange

Assistant Professor of International Relations in the Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Hong Kong

Dr. Chen Gang

Deputy Director and Senior Research Fellow, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore

Dr. Manpreet Sethi

Distinguished Fellow, Center for Air Power Studies (CAPS)

Amb. Venu Rajamony

Professor of Diplomatic Practice, Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University

Dr. G. Venkat Raman

Professor in the Area of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Management, Indore.

Dr. Gunjan Singh

Associate Professor, Jindal Law School, O P Jindal Global University

Dr. Veda Vaidyanathan

Associate Fellow, Centre for Social and Economic Progress (CSEP)

Dr. Bali Deepak

Professor, Chinese and China Studies at the Centre of Chinese and Southeast Asian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Mr. Charles Parton

Senior Associate Fellow, The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) and Distinguished Fellow, Council on Geostrategy

Mr. Rahul Karan Reddy

Senior Research Associate, Organisation for Research on China and Asia (ORCA)

Mr. Omkar Bhole

Senior Research Associate, Organisation for Research on China and Asia (ORCA)

Lt. Gen. (Dr) Rakesh Sharma

General Bipin Rawat Chair of Excellence, The United Service Institution of India (USI) and Distinguished Fellow, VIF and CLAWS

Dr. Jabin T. Jacob

Associate Professor, Department of International Relations and Governance Studies, and Director, Centre of Excellence for Himalayan Studies at Shiv Nadar University, Delhi NCR

Mr. Claude Arpi

Distinguished Fellow, Centre of Excellence for Himalayan Studies, Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence, Delhi NCR