• New Reforms to Boost Financial Strength and Promote Innovation: According to several officials and analysts, China is expected to further intensify reforms to boost the country's financial strength in 2025. This move will be significant in promoting technological innovation amidst growing uncertainties regarding the United State’s investment policy. The reforms will include incentivizing state-owned capital investment in technologically oriented companies, accommodating more long-term investment in the A-share market, and consolidating financial institutions. Tian Xuan, head of Tsinghua University stated that despite the US administration imposing tariffs and other financial instruments, China is focused on strengthening its capabilities. Feng Jianlin, chief economist at FOST Economic Consulting, noted that China needs to prepare for an increasingly complex and unstable global environment with the US planning to further restrict the investments between the two countries. Wu Qing, chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission emphasized the need to integrate the capital market into the national system to promote sci-tech innovation. During the recent symposium, the National Financial Regulatory Administration emphasized the pilot initiative of those companies making equity investments in terms of boosting technological innovation and serving private enterprises.

  • Xi Jinping Chairs Leadership Meeting to Discuss Draft Government Work Report: Xi Jinping, the general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, chaired a meeting with the Political Bureau of the Committee and discussed a draft government work report that is to be submitted for the upcoming national legislature session. During the meeting, it was observed that the national economy has maintained overall stability and has made steady progress over the years. The country has also made advancements in its pursuit of high-quality development while pursuing overall social stability. The need to accelerate the creation of a new pattern of development, promote high-quality development, deepen reforms, and develop a modern industrial system was also addressed. It was observed that more proactive macro policies should be implemented, domestic demand should be expanded, integrated development of technological and industrial innovation should be promoted and the real market and the stock market should be stabilized. The meeting also stressed the need to promote sustained economic recovery, continuously improve people's living standards while maintaining social harmony and stability, and fulfill the goals of the 14th Five-Year Plan with high quality.

  • Revised Laws for Protection of Cultural Relics are Set to be Implemented: After years of systematic amendments, the newly revised Law on Protection of Cultural Relics is set to take effect, thereby signifying a new era of legal governance in the protection of China's cultural heritage. According to the National Cultural Heritage Administration, revising the law is a significant step in converting the proven practices into legal regulations. It also strongly supports the modernization of the governance system and capabilities in the field of cultural relics. Chen Xingcan, the president of the Archaeological Society of China, stated that the revision of the regulations will meet the needs of the cultural relics sector's development in the new era. The newly revised law consists of eight chapters and 101 articles and consists of detailed and specific provisions, which reflect the central government's emphasis on the protection of China's cultural heritage. He added that President Xi Jinping has given several instructions on the protection of cultural relics and emphasized the importance of protecting the relics on many occasions.

  • New Findings from the Study of Chang 6-E are Published: A joint research team organized by the China National Space Administration (CNSA) and the Ion Probe Center of the Institute of Geology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, released new findings from studying Chang-e 6 lunar far side samples. According to the new findings from the study, the Basalt composition on the far side and near side was similar and the age of the Basalt samples collected for the study is 2.823 billion years. The new findings also indicate that the impact event that led to the formation of the South Pole-Aitken Basin may have modified the early lunar samples. The Chang'e 6 (CE-6) is a Chinese robotic spacecraft that collected samples from the moon's far side and returned to the Earth in June 2024. The new findings from the study have also been published in the latest issue of the journal Science. The CNSA stated that the new findings suggest that a global molten event occurred in the early stages of the moon’s formation and this led to the formation of a vast magma ocean. The lunar crust started developing when the magma ocean cooled and crystallized lower-density minerals rose and the higher-density minerals sank to form the mantle.

  • Chinese Foreign Minister Holds Strategic Talks With his Russian Counterpart: Foreign Minister, Wang Yi held strategic talks with Sergei Shoigu, secretary of the Russian Federation Security Council, in Beijing. During the meeting, Wang noted that under the guidance of heads of state, both countries will continue to have stable and strong relations. Recently, leaders from both sides also had a telephone conversation following a video meeting at the beginning of the year. Wang requested both sides to adhere to the implementation of the consensus, which was reached by the heads of the state, maintain close coordination, and deepen mutual trust and cooperation in strategic security. He pointed out that historically China-Russia relations have been driven by strong internal force, strong public support, and unique strategic value and should not be influenced by third parties. In the meeting, both sides also exchanged in-depth views on the Ukraine war, as Shoigu explained the latest situation regarding Russia's contact and considerations for its position. He also emphasized that the country is committed to eliminating the root causes of the Ukraine crisis, and seeking a permanent, fair and sustainable plan for peace. Wang noted that China will continue to play a constructive role in promoting peace talks and pushing for a political settlement of the Russia-Ukraine crisis.



Female Participation in Motorcycling Emerges as a New Trend in China: Female participation in the world of motorcycling has emerged as a new trend in China, with women pushing their limits to carve their niche in a crowded online landscape. With the rise of influencers, the competition for views and followers has become intense. The recent death of a 19-year-old in Hainan has sparked online debates with over 100 million views on Weibo. On Douyin, hashtags like “Motorcyclist Girl” have amassed billions of views and several videos showcase influencers racing through cities in flashy attires. In recent years, many content creators across genres have indulged in extreme stunts to gain views, but these actions have often resulted in fatal outcomes. In 2021, an influencer died while livestreaming her journey from the Henan province to the Xizang autonomous region as she pushed herself past the legitimate safety limits. Chinese authorities and social media platforms have issued new regulations and guidelines to curb dangerous content and promote safer online engagement. While online discussions are focused on road safety for the motorcycle influencer community, many riders are emphasizing that they are simply pursuing their passion for motorcycling and trying to make a living, but their accidents have become a focal point for criticism. One rider quoted- “I couldn’t ride at the time when China’s first domestic four-cylinder street bike was released, but it just looked so cool — like a way to stand out. That’s when I really got hooked on motorcycles.” To gather views, many female riders are often seen sporting bold looks and wearing shorts, boots, and black stockings. In China, this style is often referred to as “Cabian” and the influencers aim to grab attention on social media platforms without crossing any line that might get the attention of the authorities. However, the choice of clothing has often led to praise as well as criticism.



Article in Chinese Media Focuses on how EU and India Strengthen Ties Amid Strategic Challenges: An article in the Chinese Media highlights the recent visit of the European Union (EU) President, Ursula Von Der Leyen, to India to identify the key areas, where both sides can establish a strategic friendship. The article highlights that the EU is keen to deepen diplomatic ties with India and establish mutual understanding on issues such as China’s growing presence in the Asia-Pacific region. Additionally, the EU President stated that the partnership between India and the EU will help to strengthen the fight against common threats like cross-border terrorism, maritime security threats, cyber -attack. At the same time, this partnership is also vital for New Delhi, as it wants the EU to invest more in areas such as clean energy, urban infrastructure, and water management. Prime Minister Modi also wants to develop a more streamlined immigration policy for Indian citizens. However, the EU is expecting India to reduce tariffs of more than 100% on imported cars, whiskey, and wine. At the same time, India aspires to easier access to the EU market for its cheap medicines and chemicals. The article highlights that negotiations on the free trade agreement between India and the EU resumed in 2021 after being stalled for eight years due to India’s reluctance to reduce tariffs in some areas and the EU’s reluctance to relax visa restrictions. Ajay Srivastava, founder of the Global Trade Initiatives, stated that it will be difficult to complete free trade talks unless India is ready to cut tariffs on vital products drastically, such as cars and other products that could hit domestic industries. He also stated that the EU must also open its market to Indian products and meet India’s requirements on data security and visa, adding that the EU should recognise India as a data-safe country.


Prepared By

Ruchir Ketkar is a First year student pursuing Masters in Diplomacy, Law and Business at OP Jindal Global University. After completing graduation in Political science, he found his interest in International Relations and Global Affairs. With a keen inclination towards security and conflict studies, he has also authored several articles and research papers. He also tries to keep himself updated with the happenings around the world and tries to analyse them using his perspective and understanding.

CiCM 28th February 2025

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