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Read ORCA's GCNS 2024 Conference Report
Shaping a Favourable Tomorrow
The Special Issue “India’s Soft Push for Power in South Asia: Shaping A Favourable Tomorrow” was ideated keeping in mind the increasing need for Indian policymakers to mitigate challenges emerging against New Delhi’s South Asian policy. Through each chapter, contributed by emerging Indian scholars specializing in India’s neighborhood policy, the publications envisions new and existing strategies to effectively leverage India’s soft power appeal in South Asia.
The dashboard is part of ORCA’s India-China Trade Project.
The dashboard is part of ORCA’s India-China Trade Project. Synopsis: The India-China Trade dashboard- Annual is a comprehensive visualisation of yearly merchandise trade between the two economies. It captures India’s imports and exports to China between 2011-12 to 2021-22 based on the Harmonised System (HS Codes).
The Economic and Social Toll of China’s Caili Crisis
The escalating cost of caili (bride price) in rural China has become a significant barrier to marriage, particularly for young men in poorer regions. This financial strain, compounded by a skewed gender ratio and urban-rural disparities, is contributing to declining marriage and birth rates, exacerbating China's demographic and social challenges. Despite government attempts to regulate caili, deep-rooted cultural norms and economic inequalities persist, highlighting the need for comprehensive reform.
A Tale of Differing Expectations
History, Impact and Institutions
China's leaders have framed corruption as a threat to the Party’s existence and country’s stability. Several anti-corruption campaigns were carried out in the early years of the PRC, and the intensification of corruption since the reform and opening up of China prompted vigorous campaigns by successive leaders. Under Xi Jinping, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (中央纪律检查委员会) and National Supervisory Commission (国家监察委员会) have taken on greater significance. China's anti-corruption campaign since 2013 has investigated and prosecuted many high-level members of the Party, PLA and various institutions across the Party-State-Society spectrum in China. The far-reaching anti-corruption campaign conducted during Xi Jinping’s tenure has impacted elite politics in China as well as policy implementation.
We are a Delhi NCR based research institute focusing on domestic Chinese politics/policy!Our work studies the Communist Party of China's internal maneuvering and how that impacts China's external posturing.
Ranging from op-eds to issue briefs, special reports and more by our Community of senior and junior Scholars
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Within an year of inception, ORCA began being accessed and read across continents with consistent readership that has only grown over time
Made with the intention of furthering our audience's knowledge, our interactive map will tell you some interesting facts about each province in China.