Dialogue Partner: Society for Policy Studies (SPS) is a New Delhi-based independent think tank focused on India. It analyses India’s relations with the world, its place in South Asia and in the larger Indo-Pacific dynamic; its public policies and their strategic, security, economic, social and geopolitical impact. Through its various platforms, it provides a non-partisan forum for policymakers, opinion leaders and civil society to foster dialogue and engagement on critical issues, affecting India and the region.
Research Cooperation Partner: Initiative for Peace and Security in Africa (IPSA), a think-tank specializing in defense, security and peace studies based in Dakar, Senegal.
Dialogue Partner: Asian Pathfinders is a knowledge sharing and networking forum to bring together scholars and practitioners working on the Asian region for a constructive dialogue.
Promotional Cooperation Partner: WICCI’s India-EU Business Council is an up-to-date and diverse community of businesswomen, female entrepreneurs, and change-makers from all over India and the European Union. It serves as a networking platform to highlight their accomplishments and unique experiences. By sharing knowledge, business opportunities, and best practices the Council generates awareness of women’s contributions in developing the India-EU relations.
Research Cooperation Partner: Nepal Institute for International Cooperation and Engagement (NIICE) is an independent, apolitical and non-partisan think tank based in Nepal, which believes in freedom, democracy and a world free from conflict. We envision a world, where sources of insecurity are identified and understood, conflicts are prevented or resolved, and peace is advocated.
Academic and Research Cooperation Partner: Flame University is an exceptional platform for students who can explore their academic journeys but not without the help of its renowned faculty and solid leadership. Experts from diverse backgrounds and qualifications and phenomenal industry experience guide the students at FLAME.
Research and Event Cooperation Partner: The Policy Perspectives Foundation (PPF) was founded in 2005 as a non-profit and apolitical think-tank on matters of national interest. The organisation’s activities focus on complex and inter-connected challenges to internal peace, stability and development in India.
Event and Publishing Cooperation Partner: KW Publishers Pvt Ltd is one of the pioneers in publishing books on International Relations, Strategic Studies, Military Science, National Security, Management and Commerce. Publishing since 1998 with its first book on ‘Nuclear India’, the company specialises in publishing on subjects including Defence Studies, Maritime Security, Intelligence & Surveillance and Counter-terrorism among others.
Research Cooperation Partner: Chennai Centre for China Studies (C3S) conducts in-depth research on developments related to China, focusing on areas of strategic interest to India, including Business, Defence, Geopolitics, Society, Science, Human Rights, Culture, and Environment. C3S provides valuable insights to understand China’s impact on India and the world.
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