A Political Turning Point
This CiCM Insight looks at Chinese protests against Zero-COVID policy, and the significance and consequences of this policy for China and the Party.
COVID-19 infections in China over time. Data Source: Our World in Data (JHU CSSE)
Anti-government protests in Shanghai (top) and Sitong Bridge, Beijing (bottom). Image sources: BBC News (top), The Guardian (bottom)
1. “Political openness” (“ 政 治 出 柜 ”): Describes people openly voicing their opinions, mostly regarding the Zero-COVID policy.
2. “Sudden, sharp turn” (“ 急转弯”): Chinese people are describing the end of Zero-COVID as a sudden move from strict containment to quick opening up.
3. “Ten new rules” (“ 新⼗条”): The new guidelines issued by the government on opening up the country are also widely being talked about.
4. “Green channels” (“绿⾊通道”): Priority status given to the vaccination of elderly citizens.
Ananya Jogalekar is a former research intern at Organisation for Research on China and Asia (ORCA), New Delhi, India. She is a graduate in Economics skilled in data analytics and public policy. She is currently learning Mandarin Chinese at the Intermediate (HSK 04) level and has basic proficiency in Korean. Her areas of interest include international relations with a focus on East Asia, data-driven policy making and computational social science. An avid reader, creative writer and singer, Ananya is passionate about exploring various cultures through language-learning and traveling.
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