• The Cyberspace Administration of China, the country's top internet regulator, has issued instructions to internet operators regarding the management of self-media accounts on social media platforms like WeChat and Weibo. The instructions were issued with the aim to prevent the spread of rumors and maintain online order. The notification states that websites and platforms must thoroughly review registered or changed account information to prevent imitation by non-institutional producers. Accounts containing names or logos of Party and government agencies, military organs, news media, or administrative departments must be manually reviewed, and services should be denied if accounts are found to be falsified. The instructions state that special attention should be given to self-media accounts related to finance, education, healthcare, and justice. These accounts should have clear labels summarizing their qualifications and professional backgrounds. Websites and platforms are urged to monitor these accounts and annotate their information sources if the published content pertains to domestic and foreign affairs, policies, or social issues. To maintain the authenticity of the information, a found to be producing rumors or spreading misinformation will be blacklisted, shut down, and reported to cyberspace departments by the websites and platforms.

  • President Xi Jinping met with the Chairman of the Federation Council of Russia, Valentina Matviyenko, at the Great Hall of the People. President Xi highlighted the positive and stable development of China-Russia relations and the progress in various fields of cooperation. He emphasized the strategic importance of Sino-Russian relations and called for enhanced cooperation between legislative bodies to support the sustainable development of bilateral cooperation and strengthen exchanges in legislation and state governance. Xi stated that the development of China-Russia relations is a strategic choice based on the fundamental interests of both countries and peoples. He reiterated China's commitment to a comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination with Russia, promoting mutual assistance, innovation, and win-win outcomes. He also emphasized the need for collaboration in multilateral mechanisms such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and BRICS to promote global governance reform and protect the interests of emerging market countries and developing nations. Matviyenko expressed that the comprehensive strategic partnership between Russia and China is in line with the interests of both countries and their peoples, and that it continues to develop steadily. She affirmed the Russia Federation Council's willingness to strengthen exchanges with China's National People's Congress to provide legal support for implementing the consensus of the two heads of state.

  • President Xi Jinping met with Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare at the Great Hall of the People and announced the formal establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between China and the Solomon Islands, characterized by mutual respect and common development in the new era. The partnership follows the Solomon Islands' decision to switch diplomatic recognition from Taiwan to China four years ago. The move, along with a security pact between the two countries, has raised concerns from the United States and neighboring countries like Australia. Further details of the partnership were not provided, but President Xi expressed support for the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent, a regional strategy backed by the Pacific Island nations. The Solomon Islands joined China's Belt and Road Initiative after switching diplomatic recognition, and Sogavare will open the country's embassy in Beijing later in the week. Sogavare also stated that China has become the largest infrastructure partner and a reliable development partner for the Solomon Islands.

  • The Global Development Initiative (GDI) is set to play a crucial role in achieving the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, according to Li Xiaoyun, an expert on global development. The GDI aims to address the imbalanced economic and social development among countries by promoting a global development partnership based on solidarity, equality, balance, and inclusiveness. It covers all 17 goals under the UN 2030 Agenda and has received support from over 100 countries and international organizations. The GDI emphasizes diverse development paths that suit the specific circumstances of developing countries. Projects under the GDI are already assisting 40 countries in areas such as poverty relief and food security. The recent opening of the Forum on Global Action for Shared Development marked a significant step toward implementing the GDI.

  • The Dulong Port border market, situated on the China-Vietnam border in Dulong Town, Yunnan Province, China, has officially commenced operations. The market, covering an area of 2.07 hectares, is expected to boost local economic growth and industrial development. The border trade market has established a mutual assistance community with over 1,200 members, utilizing the "Bianhutong" mobile app and facial recognition technology for on-site declaration procedures. Border residents can conduct transactions within the mutual market using their mobile phones from home. The first batch of goods purchased by local residents passed inspection and clearance, marking the market's official launch. To facilitate port development, Maguan County has restored general trade and personnel clearance on specified dates. Trading between border residents is limited to designated open points or approved markets within 20 kilometers of China's land border, adhering to prescribed value or quantity limits.

  • China's Ministry of Water Resources has activated a level-IV emergency response for flood risks in Shandong and Sichuan provinces. Heavy rains are forecasted from Tuesday to Friday, which will lead to a significant rise in river water levels. The ministry has warned that multiple rivers may exceed their warning lines due to the heavy rainfall. In China, a four-tier flood control emergency response system is in place, with level I being the most severe response. The activation of the level-IV emergency response indicates that the situation is serious and measures are being taken to address the potential flood risks in the affected provinces.


  • Netizens gave mixed reactions to a high-achieving student entering teacher training: A middle school student in Yancheng, Jiangsu province, has sparked debate on Chinese social media by choosing a seven-year teachers' school program over admission into elite high schools to become a schoolteacher. Despite scoring 742 out of 800 on the high school entrance exam and being eligible for any high school, she opted for the program instead. The program, hosted at Yancheng Kindergarten Teachers College, offers waived tuition fees for the first three years and scholarships for the remaining years. Successful completion leads to a college degree and a government-funded job at a public elementary school. While some netizens criticized her decision as a “waste of talent” or that she would “regret it in the future", others defended her, citing the advantages of early job security and the importance of different career paths. 


  • The growing cooperation between China and Russia has implications for India's national interests. While some argue that this cooperation does not directly negatively impact India, there is evidence suggesting otherwise. Russia's arms sales to China, including advanced platforms, directly affects India’s national security. Russia's role as a major arms supplier to both India and China creates a situation where it can potentially harm the interests of both countries. Russia's willingness to sell advanced platforms to China but not to India undermines India's security interests and creates an imbalance in the regional military capabilities.

    Furthermore, the strengthening of Sino-Russian ties and Russia's growing security cooperation with Pakistan, including arms sales and military exercises, have the potential to undermine India's security concerns in the region. Russia's alignment with China on narrative levels and Russian criticism of US-led initiatives like the Quad (which India is a part of) also indirectly opposes India's strategic interests.

    Despite India's ambiguous diplomatic responses, such as joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) alongside China and Pakistan, it is clear that Sino-Russian cooperation poses challenges for India's strategic calculations. India may eventually be compelled to openly assert its redlines on Sino-Russian cooperation to safeguard its national interests. More recently, India has refused to back China’s SCO strategy and also rejected China’s BRI plan, and it remains cautious about its relations with Russia amid the SCO summit, as both China and Russia have been seen as critical means to counter
    Western influence in the region.

Prepared By

Akshita Pant is a post-graduate research scholar with a degree in Masters in International Relations from Amity University. Her expertise lies in the field of geopolitics, particularly focusing on China and East Asia. With a keen interest in India's foreign policy, national security, and culture, with a deep passion for understanding the complexities of international relations.

CiCM 10th July 2023

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