• Overseas Chinese pledge greater role in China's modernization: Overseas Chinese who attended Beijing's 11th committee of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese (ACFROC) pledged to deepen China's worldwide ties and support the country's modernization efforts. The congress, which drew approximately 1,200 returned overseas Chinese representatives and 600 overseas Chinese from over 100 countries, emphasized the significance of Chinese people abroad in different facets of China's growth. The Communist Party of China conveyed its greetings, and the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese reelected Wan Lijun as its chairman. CPC Central Committee member Li Xi emphasized the active role of overseas Chinese and urged them to contribute to China's development, high-quality growth, national unity, and rejuvenation. Participants acknowledged their importance as bridges between China and their host nations, particularly in programs such as the Belt and Road Initiative, and highlighted the possibilities for economic collaboration.
  • China’s Private Economic Development Bureau to boost growth: The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has formally approved the establishment of the Private Economic Development Bureau inside the National Development and Reform Commission, with the goal of facilitating the development of China's private economy. To improve private firms' international competitiveness, this bureau will coordinate policies, execute initiatives, and expand contact with them. It symbolizes the Party Central Committee's commitment to fostering the private sector and will act as a critical organizational element in promoting its growth. The main objectives of the bureau include monitoring private economy trends, developing policies to encourage private investment, and resolving important concerns confronting this sector. Zhang Shixin, deputy secretary-general of the National Development and Reform Commission stated that it will improve overall coordination and give significant assistance to private sector growth.

  • China to expand foreign investment opportunities in the services sector: Wang Wentao, China's Commerce Minister, declared that China will lower the number of things on the negative list for foreign investment and boost openness in new services. He emphasized China's commitment to provide new chances for global growth and to welcome firms from all nations, particularly those in the service industry. Dominic Johnson, a UK government minister, stated that the UK is ready to satisfy China's service industry expectations and partner closely, emphasizing a major rise in UK foreign direct investment in China in 2023.

  •  Xi Jinping skips the G20 summit in India: Chinese President Xi Jinping will not attend the Group of 20 (G20) conference in India. Instead, Premier Li Qiang will represent China at the conference. Most G20 leaders are expected to attend, except for Russia's President Vladimir Putin. While it wasn't directly confirmed, it is implied that Chinese President Xi Jinping will not attend the summit, as he has participated in previous G20 summits but missed one in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This move is seen as potentially indicative of strained relations between China and India, the summit's host country, due to disputes over their border and India's closer ties with the United States. As Russian President Vladimir Putin is also skipping the summit, it had raised hopes of a meeting between Xi and US President Joe Biden, but that seems unlikely now. The reasons for Xi's absence are unclear, leaving room for speculation about whether it is a snub or related to domestic issues.

  • Enhanced employment policy implementation directive: The Ministries of Human Resources and Social Security and Finance published a notice to reinforce the execution of employment policies. The notice has five major directives: it emphasizes the importance of precisely categorizing and publicizing employment regulations in order to increase knowledge and comprehension. Secondly, it asks for a comprehensive examination of policy implementation efforts, with an emphasis on reducing delays and guaranteeing timely subsidy delivery. Thirdly, to accelerate subsidy processing, a streamlined "direct subsidy and express office" model will be used. Fourthly, private and small enterprises will receive particular assistance to help them profit more efficiently from government measures. Lastly, the government is resolved to combat corruption and unethical policy implementation practices by incorporating the public in oversight and reporting initiatives to improve openness and accountability. Overall, these guidelines seek to improve the efficacy, openness, and support for employment policies while combating corruption.

  • Beijing Culture Forum 2023 to take place mid-September: The Beijing Culture Forum, co-organized by different Chinese government bodies, will take place in Beijing on September 14-15. The overarching topic of the forum is "Inheritance, Creativity, Mutual Learning," with the particular focus for this year being "Inherit Cultural Legacies, Promote Exchanges and Cooperation." Its goals include highlighting cultural successes, exchanging experiences, stimulating collaboration in cultural innovation, and boosting civilizational interactions and mutual learning. The event will include an opening ceremony, a main forum, and five parallel panels on topics such as cultural heritage preservation; the role of technology in cultural development; the connection between literature and art and society; culture and tourism integration; and global civilizational understanding. Over 600 cultural luminaries, academics, authors, artists, and foreign dignitaries are anticipated to participate. The forum will also provide a study report on China's cultural growth, as well as highlight the main cultural events of 2022 aimed at promoting Beijing as a cultural hub.



  • China's trend of seeking temporary travel partners raises concerns: The rising trend in China of young people looking for "temporary travel partners with shared interests" is being scrutinized due to fears that it is being used for "escort services." This social media trend includes young adults engaging with others who have similar hobbies, such as eating, gaming, fitness, travel, and farming. It allows you to connect and withdraw whenever you choose, relieving loneliness while protecting personal space and freedom. Some have discovered genuine companionship and even formed partnerships for a variety of reasons such as job seeking and examinations. According to a Just So Soul survey, 60 per cent of young people are willing to find a "temporary partner," with 18.6 per cent already having such a partner. However, there is a negative aspect to this movement, as some people use it to seek escort services. They promote luxury trips and lodgings while advertising expense coverage and frequently specifying "females only" in their posts. Xiaohongshu, the platform, is taking these concerns seriously and is undertaking a thorough examination of all "travel companion"-related posts. This sinister twist on an apparently harmless practice has provoked extensive debate on social media, with many expressing skepticism and alarm about the underlying objectives of some of these collaborations.



  • Using the Indian diaspora for the good of the country brings both possibilities and problems. One of the most difficult challenges is ensuring effective engagement and collaboration with a large and diverse population of Indians residing in other countries. To address such issues, India has adopted a number of laws and programs targeted at maximizing the potential of foreign Indians. The Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) and Person of Indian Descent (PIO) programs, for example, provide privileges such as visa-free travel, property ownership, and financial possibilities to those of Indian descent. These efforts urge Indians living abroad to keep close ties with their country and to invest in India. Another problem is successfully using the knowledge and resources of the Indian diaspora, which frequently necessitates better networking and coordination. As a result, the government has established forums such as Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (Non-Resident Indian Day) and the Global Indian Network of Information (Global-INK) to enable networking and information exchange among the Indian diaspora. Furthermore, India's "Make in India" campaign and "Startup India" program aggressively seek the engagement of Indian entrepreneurs and professionals by offering incentives for them to participate in and contribute to India's economic growth. Despite the hurdles, India is working to deepen ties with its diaspora and leverage their talents and resources for the benefit of the country, promoting a sense of global Indian identity and involvement.

Prepared By

Anakha S Thampy is currently pursuing her dual Masters degree - an MA in International Studies from Symbiosis International University, Pune, and an MA in Sustainability Science from IGNOU. Having completed her Bachelor's in Political Science, she aspires to make a significant impact in society by becoming a Civil Servant. Her research focus revolves around the captivating realms of Asian area studies and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

CiCM 4th September 2023

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