• China confirms Xi Jinping’s visit to EU countries - President Xi Jinping of China is set to embark on a significant state visit to France, Serbia, and Hungary from May 5 to 10, 2024. This tour aims to enhance diplomatic relations and discuss pivotal issues, including bilateral ties and China-EU relations amidst increasing trade tensions. During his visit, Xi will meet with French President Emmanuel Macron, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, and Hungarian President Tamas Sulyok and Prime Minister Viktor Orban. The visit to France, occurring during the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between China and France, is particularly noteworthy as it seeks to strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership and boost China-EU relations. Meanwhile, Xi's visit to Serbia, his second in eight years, will focus on deepening political trust and expanding cooperation. As for Hungary, celebrating the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations with China, the visit is anticipated to open new chapters in friendship and cooperation.
  • China commemorates 120th birth anniversary of late senior CPC leader - China commemorated the 120th birth anniversary of Ren Bishi, a key figure in the early leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), with a symposium held in Beijing on April 28, 2024. Ren Bishi was celebrated for his significant contributions during the revolutionary struggles, his deep engagement with Marxist theory adaptation in China, and his dedication to party building and economic development initiatives. Cai Qi, a senior member of the Politburo Standing Committee, highlighted Ren’s commitment to the Chinese nation’s independence and the welfare of its people. He emphasized Ren's theoretical contributions, his political foresight in economic matters, and his relentless efforts to strengthen the CPC's mass line. The event underscored Ren's enduring legacy and inspirational role for future generations of CPC members​.

  • Chinese Navy’s first batch of female carrier-based aircraft pilots complete their first solo flight - The first group of female pilot trainees from the carrier-based aircraft of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) has completed their inaugural solo flights, marking a significant milestone in enhancing diversity in naval aviation personnel. These trainees, all university graduates born after 2000, were recruited into the training program in 2023. Their training included multiple solo flights across various aircraft models and subjects. The program, conducted by the Naval Aviation University, also covered aviation theory, emergency survival training, simulator flights, and ground flight preparations. The next phase of their training will involve more advanced aircraft as they progress from basic to more complex training modules.

  • Air China’s mega-purchase of C919 boosts homegrown industry - Air China has signed a deal to purchase 100 C919 aircraft from the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC), valued at $11 billion. This transaction, slated for delivery between 2024 and 2031, will increase Air China's capacity by 7.5% and marks a significant boost for China's domestic state-owned aircraft manufacturing sector. This move positions the C919 as a competitive player against global giants like Boeing, further emphasizing China's commitment to developing its high-tech manufacturing industries and reducing dependence on foreign technology. This development comes amid broader efforts by Chinese carriers, including China Eastern Airlines, which previously secured 100 C919 aircraft, demonstrating sustained confidence in the domestically produced jet. The C919's increasing integration into Chinese fleets underscores China's strategic push to enhance its aviation industry's capabilities and international competitiveness. The deal not only supports COMAC's growth but also represents a strategic alignment with China's long-term economic policies aimed at technological independence and industry advancement​.

  • Extreme weather conditions prevail throughout the Eastern coast - Extreme weather struck Jiangxi Province in East China with a severe hailstorm, featuring egg-sized hailstones that blitzed the city of Fuzhou. The event resulted in considerable damage to vehicles, buildings, and infrastructure. The hailstorm led to toppled commercial signs, displaced bicycles, and e-mopeds, and caused numerous tree trunks to fall across roads. Simultaneously, Hebei Province encountered heavy snowfall that blanketed areas and dropped temperatures to minus five degrees Celsius. The local meteorological department has issued an orange alert and advises residents to stay vigilant and take necessary precautions.


  • Tradition gets a new twist? Meet Zen slap therapy - Zen slap therapy, derived from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), is gaining traction in China as a method to relieve stress and release negative energy. This practice involves slapping acupoints vigorously, believed to unblock meridians and promote energy flow. The treatment has become popular on social media, especially on Xiaohongshu, where the hashtag #zenslaptherapy has attracted 11.6 million views. On social media platform Xiaohongshu, one person wrote: “The depression I have had my entire life was released 10 minutes into the therapy”. Despite its popularity and claims of effectiveness, some skeptics question its validity, citing concerns over the rapid training of practitioners and the physical nature of the treatment. This therapy has even caught the attention of celebrities in China including renowned Chinese actress Zhou Xun, and Victoria’s Secret model Ming Xi, further fueling its popularity.


  • Government forces in India kill Naxal in Chhattisgarh - In the Indian state of Chhattisgarh, a Naxal was killed in a confrontation with government forces, as reported by Xinhua Chinese media agency. The incident occurred in a forest area near Kistaram in the Sukma district. The engagement involved joint contingents of the police's District Reserve Guard (DRG) and the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF). This occurred during an anti-Naxal operation initiated by the government. The Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh, Vishnu Deo Sai, remarked on the government's commitment to combating the Naxal threat, which remains prevalent in central and eastern India.

Prepared By

Harshita Khaund is a Masters student of International Affairs from O.P. Jindal Global University. Previously, she has undertaken her bachelors in Political Science from Indraprastha College for Women, University of Delhi. She has a keen interest in security studies, international economy, and conflict and peace studies.

CiCM 29th April 2024

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