• Chinese scientists departed from Shanghai for the 13th Arctic Ocean scientific expedition aboard the Xuelong 2, the country's first domestically built polar icebreaker. Organised by the Ministry of Natural Resources, the expedition is expected to investigate into the geology and geophysics of the mid-ocean ridge, as well as conduct atmospheric, sea ice, marine and subsurface environmental surveys, and study of biomes and pollutants. The mission is intended to improve China's capabilities with respect to Arctic Ocean environmental protection and marine pollution assessment, and is hoped to gather key information and data needed for research in areas like mid-ocean ridge dynamics. In addition, the team will collaborate with scientists from countries like Russia and Thailand on relevant research to promote international cooperation on Arctic scientific expeditions. After a trip of 15,500 nautical miles, the expected return date of the expedition is late September.


  • China Electricity Council and WWF jointly launched China's first new energy vehicle charging and swapping green battery map. It was released during the 2023 National Energy Conservation Publicity Week held in Beijing with the theme of "helping to recharge and replace green electricity, creating and sharing a zero-carbon future”. This marks China's first map that collects information on green charging and swapping stations, and is also the world's first platform to showcase the consumption of green electricity for electric vehicles. The map displays the form of green power stations, urban layout and operators through graphics and dynamic demonstrations. Drivers can use the map to find charging and swapping stations, complete green electricity consumption, thus personally parttaking in climate action. Lu Lunyan, Chief Representative of WWF Beijing Representative Office, said that the proposal of the "dual carbon" goal depicts a grand blueprint for green, low-carbon and high-quality development, while Liu Yongdong, the deputy secretary-general of China Electricity Council pointed out that China is the country with the largest number of electric vehicles in the world and hence is taking steps to shoulder the responsibility of green energy power transformation.


  • Chinese Premier Li Qiang met with Masatsugu Asakawa, President of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Beijing. In the ensuing address, Li referred to the ADB as a vital multilateral development institution in the Asia-Pacific region, playing a positive role in promoting poverty reduction and development in the region. He highlighted China’s hope that the ADB will continue to support and participate in the country’s reform while focusing on key areas such as environmental protection as well as green and low-carbon development. The premier also articulated that China actively supports the ADB’s mobilisation of climate finance to help developing members in building capacities and adaptation mechanisms. President of the ADB responded that the institution has established a strong and close cooperative partnership with China and referred to China as the main contributor to Asia-Pacific economic growth. He also made clear that the ADB supports China's high-quality development and is willing to strengthen cooperation with China on knowledge creation, green development, and climate change response. All ADB efforts in China was also highlighted to be aligned with its country partnership strategy for the PRC, 2021-25.


  • China successfully launched a liquid oxygen-methane carrier rocket. The Zhuque-2 carrier rocket blasted off at 9:00 a.m (Beijing Time) from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China and completed the flight mission according to the procedure. Developed by the Chinese rocket company LandSpace, the Zhuque-2 is the world's first rocket to be powered by liquid oxygen-methane fuel and successfully entered its planned orbit. The launch marked a breakthrough in the application of new low-cost liquid propellants for China's carrier rockets. This was the second flight mission of the Zhuque-2 carrier rocket.


  • China announced growth in its total arable land for the second consecutive year. The report presented by the Natural Resources Minister Wang Guanghua during a news conference held by the State Council Information Office showed that in 2022, arable land in China rose by more than 86,600 hectares year-on-year and now exceeds 127.6 million hectares. Wang pointed out that it is the strict regulation with regards to the balance between cultivating and compensating for farmland that ensured the increase. For the same, the ministry has conducted rigorous inspections and law enforcement in farmland related matters as well as measures including publicity and prosecution of major cases involving arable land. Further, an assessment system for arable land protection was also set up for local governments which would conduct assessments annually with procedures such as provincial self-inspection and random checks to ensure a fair assessment. The minister concluded by saying that the government must be patient, respect the wishes of farmers and ensure the public ownership of the land and the interests of farmers to ensure successful and profitable farmland activities.



  • The recent India-France arms deal went viral on social media. In the recent visit of Prime Minister Modi to France, the two countries signed an arms contract. It involves India's purchase of 26 additional Rafale fighter jets and 3 Tuna class submarines. The news went viral on Chinese social media with many criticising the two countries and the deal. One user even went as far as writing that India itself will crash and others asking the country to pay first before signing such large deals. Some users also criticized the US by accusing them of interfering in regional affairs.



  • ADB and China have conducted extensive collaborations over the years. China is both a member and a major shareholder of ADB, and the bank has actively supported China's development efforts through financial assistance and technical expertise. One of the more potent areas of partnership, which was also highlighted in the recent meeting between the Chinese premier and the President of ADB is environment protection and sustainable development. From financing the Zhangbei Renewable Energy Demonstration Project, Wuxi Taihu Lake Water Environment Rehabilitation Project to the Green Finance Initiative to promote green finance and sustainable investments, China and ADB have partnered to make headway. India too has marked several partnerships with ADB over the years. The most recent being the pledging of $20 billion–$25 billion resources by ADB over 5 years to advance the country’s aspirations for fast and inclusive growth with the current focus being the financing of the PM’s Gati Shakti (National Master Plan for multimodal connectivity). Another instance of collaboration is the loan of $500 Million to improve Urban Services in Rajasthan as well as the IndusInd-Asian Development Bank (ADB) collaboration to support and promote supply chain finance solutions in India. However, the scope to improve partnership and drive healthy growth still remains. One area that can be focused upon by the two entities is that of sustainable agriculture. This can involve supporting agricultural innovation, strengthening rural infrastructure, providing access to finance for smallholder farmers, and promoting value chain development. With India's growing digital economy, there is also an opportunity for ADB to support initiatives that foster digital inclusion, promote digital skills training, and leverage technology for efficient service delivery in areas like healthcare, education, and governance. While collaboration in other areas need to be strengthened, promoting sustainable agricultural practices and mitigating the growing digital divide requires special attention from both the Indian policy makers as well as the Asian Development Bank.

Prepared By

Combined works by various researchers at ORCA

CiCM 12th July 2023

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