• China announces appointments and changes in key government positions: The State Council of China made significant announcements regarding changes in key government positions on January 16. Song Qichao has been appointed as the new Assistant Minister of Finance, bringing his expertise to contribute to the financial sector. Hu Haifeng assumes the role of Vice Minister of Civil Affairs, indicating a focus on the management and development of civil affairs. Meanwhile, Hao Junhui has been appointed as the Political Commissar of the National Fire and Rescue Administration, succeeding Xu Ping. Additionally, Tian Xuebin will no longer serve as the Vice Minister of Water Resources, signifying a shift in leadership within the water management sector. These changes underscore the government's commitment to strategic appointments and efficient governance across various crucial departments.

  • Premier Li Qiang addresses World Economic Forum: At the commencement of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2024 in Davos, Switzerland, Chinese Premier Li Qiang gave a special address. The Premier found resonance with the theme of "Rebuilding Trust," emphasising the importance of international cooperation. North-South/South-South cooperation, research and technology exchange, international industrial partnership, green development, and coordination of macroeconomic policies are the five main areas that Premier Li suggested for strengthening economic cooperation. Premier Li emphasised the value of trust, underlining that it stems from common goals and China's dedication to opening up, reassuring world business leaders that entering the Chinese market is an opportunity rather than a risk. He described China's economic prosperity, its massive market, and its commitment to fostering world development. Premier Li's speech sets the tone for cooperative efforts, economic stability, and enhanced international ties as the Annual Meeting proceeds forward. "Rebuilding Trust" is a call to action that speaks to our common vision of a better, more connected future.

  • China approves Alzheimer's and HIV treatments: Two foreign medications - Leqembi, developed by Tokyo-based pharmaceutical company Eisai and Descovy, a tablet developed by US-based pharmaceutical company Gilead - have been approved by China's National Medical Products Administration, providing further options for people with Alzheimer's disease and those at risk of HIV/AIDS. For the 9.83 million Chinese afflicted with Alzheimer's, Leqembi offers hope as it targets amyloid beta-protein to battle Alzheimer's. During global trials, the medicine, which costs 2,508 yuan ($350) each dose, showed a 60 percent reversal of progression in early-stage patients. Concurrently, Descovy was approved for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) against HIV, leading to an expansion of preventative alternatives for high-risk populations. Despite its effectiveness, China's low usage and knowledge of PrEP make it difficult to address the 1.2 million HIV cases in the nation. These approvals represent significant strides towards resolving pressing health issues, highlighting the value of international cooperation and cutting-edge therapies in enhancing public health outcomes in China.

  • China and Switzerland upgrade free trade agreement: Both nations, China and Switzerland, announced the conclusion of a joint feasibility study on strengthening their free trade agreement during Premier Li Qiang’s official visit to Switzerland. They promised to assist in swiftly initiating official negotiations. Premier Li and Swiss President Viola Amherd also decided to strengthen their bilateral cooperation this year through strategic exchanges, financial working groups, energy partnerships, talks about education policy, and UN Security Council affairs consultations. China will unilaterally waive Switzerland's visa requirements as part of closer ties, and Switzerland will reciprocate by making visas easier for Chinese nationals and businesses. Premier Li stressed the need of pursuing common interests, especially in the areas of finance, the digital economy, and green growth. A document on bilateral economic and commercial cooperation was signed in front of both leaders, underscoring the importance of the Sino-Swiss partnership.

  • China honors frontline female border guards in Tengchong: The China Employees Development Foundation and the Women's Department of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions arranged the "Border Guard Female Workers Care Activities" at the Houqiao Border Port in Tengchong, Yunnan Province. The purpose of the gathering was to provide support and condolences to Tengchong Customs, Entry-Exit Management Brigade, and Entry-Exit Border Inspection Station's frontline female border guards. The events centred on the physical and mental health of female border guards, in recognition of their commitment to preserving national security. More than 10,000 female border guards in five provinces and autonomous regions—Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan, Tibet, and Xinjiang—will receive support and condolences from the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. The programme demonstrates trade union organisations' dedication to meeting the special requirements of female employees, particularly those stationed at borders, in light of their role in preserving peace and national security.


  • Team-bonding ritual in Chinese company goes viral on social media: Social media users are outraged by a Chinese company's unusual team-building activity after a video of its workers crawling down a street at night went viral and received 4 million views on Douyin. This video, which was shot on January 3 in the province of Guizhou, depicts a group of youths on all fours, with viewers speculating it to be a punishment. The company asserted that it was a voluntary penalty for a team-building exercise. People on social media expressed horror and questioned whether the employees' assent was genuine; one person even compared the situation to a "zombie movie." Citing prior occurrences of contentious team-building exercises in Chinese corporations, questions concerning exploitation and the requirement for outside supervision were raised. The incident reinforces a rising belief among workers, especially the younger generation, that team building activities should not be so intense and that instead, team building activities like dinner parties or trips should be preferred.



  • Each year, the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting brings together key players from business, government, and civil society to discuss the year's main concerns and global challenges. The WEF will hold its 54th Annual Meeting, with the subject "Rebuilding Trust," in Davos, Switzerland, January 1519, 2024. Chinese Premier Li Qiang delivered a special address, focusing on the theme "Rebuilding Trust" and proposed five measures for rebuilding trust and enhancing economic cooperation: strengthening macroeconomic policy coordination, promoting international industrial specialization, fostering cooperation in science and technology, enhancing cooperation on green development to address climate change, and promoting North-South and South-South cooperation for an inclusive world economy. India is also a major player at Davos 2024 owing to its dedication to sustainability and international cooperation. In keeping with the theme, India's participation is structured around three main centres: the India Engagement Centre, which highlights digital innovation and startups, the Experience India Centre, which showcases vibrant culture and sustainable projects, and the India Investment Centre, which acts as a central location for collaborations and investments in a variety of industries. These facilities will have talks about artificial intelligence, sustainability, and the future of manufacturing, reaffirming India's dedication to cooperation, trust, and a shared better future for mankind.

Prepared By

Saranya Menon is a UG2 student at FLAME University, majoring in International Relations with a minor in Public Policy. Excited to apply academic knowledge, she is interning at ORCA to gain practical insights into foreign policy and looks forward to enhancing her understanding of International Relations through this internship.

CiCM 16th January 2024

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