• New Official Chinese Learning and Teaching Centers Opens in China and Vietnam: The Chinese Test International, Tianjin Normal University and Thanh Dong University Jointly set up first official Chinese Learning and Teaching Centers in Tianjin, China and Thanh Dong, Vietnam.  The centers are aimed at providing standardized training and testing for number of tests including HSK Chinese Proficiency test, the business Chinese test, the youth Chinese test, the medical Chinese test and certificate for teachers of Chinese to non-Chinese speakers. Zhong Yinghua, president of the Tianjin Normal University noted that these centers mark the establishment of a cutting-edge, fully integrated Chinese language learning institution that can satisfy modern needs.

  • Joint Petrol Commence in Mekong River: Law enforcement authorities from China, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand began the 132nd joint petrol in Mekong River. The official start of the joint patrol was signaled by a fleet of five law enforcement ships, three from China, one from Laos, and one from Myanmar, leaving the Jingha Port in the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture of southwest China's Yunnan Province. The ongoing operation is expected to take four days and three nights. The operation will deal with crimes pertaining the cross border crimes. Additionally, it is intended at protecting security and stability in the region. The four countries hold joint meeting before the commencement of operation. The operation has been conducted since 2011.


  • Ministry of Public Security Analyzes the Measures Implemented to Combat Crimes: The Ministry of Public Security conducted a news conference to discuss the success of the particular measures taken by public safety organizations to combat crimes involving gun explosions.  Qi Xiguo, deputy director of the Public Security Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security noted that score of crimes related to guns and explosions have decreased. Since January of this year, there has been a 16% decrease in crimes involving explosives and firearms. He added that strict management and control of gun explosives, and a strict crackdown on gun explosion crimes played a pivotal role making China one of the few countries with fewer incidents of gun-related crimes. The Ministry of Public Security, in conjunction with the ongoing summer social security campaign, launched a new round of special action to crack down on gun bombing violations and crimes nationwide to fully maintain the overall stability of the society. According to the data, since the beginning of this year, a total of 13,000 gun explosions have been stopped, along with 258 dens and 37 gangs being eliminated. 14,000 criminal suspects have also been arrested. 

  • China’s Peace Ark Arrives in Solomon Islands: The Chinese hospital ship, Peace Ark is now docked in the Solomon Islands for one week. The floating hospital, which arrived at the port of the capital Honiara on Saturday, has also visited Kiribati, Tonga, and Vanuatu. It is part of its present mission to offer free medical care in Pacific island nations, many of which struggle to afford enough basic healthcare. A sizable number of people greeted Peace Ark as it arrived in Honiara. Since Sunday, the onboard medical staff has started offering treatment. Solomon Islands Deputy Prime Minister Manasseh Maelanga and China’s ambassador to Honiara Li Ming attended a welcoming ceremony for the Peace Ark on the weekend. The deputy prime minister also greeted China for its initiative.

  • Blast in Xintai Coal Mine kills 11 people: An explosion accident in Xintai Coal Mine in Yanchuan County in the city of Yan’an City led to the death of 11 people according to the Emergency Management Bureau. There were some 90 people in the mine during the time of the mishap. Two of Masui's employees who were critically hurt died after rescue efforts failed, while 11 people who were only slightly hurt received medical attention and had stable vital signs. The probe has begun to ascertain the cause of the incident. This catastrophe is the deadliest since the February collapse of an open-pit mine in Inner Mongolia's Northern Province, which claimed more than 50 lives. 

  • China's Display Industry Maintains First Rank in the World:  Yang Xudong, deputy director of the Department of Electronic Information of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China, stated at the press conference of the 22nd World Display Industry Conference held in Beijing that the size of China's display industry continues to rank first in the world. The output value of display panels in China will surpass 3600 billion Yuan in 2022, accounting for 48% of the global market; the shipment area of display panels is 1 million square meters, and the global market accounts for 6.68%, an increase of 6 percentage points annually, solidly placing China in first place globally. He also said that the new display industry in China has steadily taken on a significant role in the global market, and its technical capabilities have significantly increased. According to Yang Xuedong, China is now one of the nations with the widest variety of display types, the most active technological innovation, and the most robust downstream applications.



  • Hong Kong’s Shiba Inu dog for cryptocurrency subject of a doge meme, passes away: The 12-year-old Shiba Inu Balltze, who served as the model for the popular "Cheems" dog memes, passed away on August 18, according to an Instagram post by his Hong Kong owner. The owner added that the dog was fighting with cancer. On Friday morning, while having his final thoracentesis, he slept off, the owner stated in his post. He also claimed that it was too late for them to plan chemotherapy or another alternative treatment for him following an operation. Nitizens on social media platforms stated thatthey will remember the joy that Balltze brought to the world rather than being depressed upon recieving the news, some also went onto note that the dog would be remembered among amusing internet users for his smile.



  • The Solomon Islands is becoming the new juncture of geopolitics. China is strengthening its foothold in the Solomon Islands as a Chinese Naval Hospital Ship; Peace Ark is docked in the country for at least one week. The bilateral engagement between both entities has been strengthening, given China’s increasing investments in the country.  During the recent visit of Solomon Island’s Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare, a Framework Agreement on Security and Cooperation had been signed.  It is expected to enable China in cooperating with Honaira on maintaining social order, ensuring the welfare of people, providing aid, battling natural catastrophes, and assisting in maintaining national security. However, on the other hand India’s bilateral engagement with the Island has also been steadily growing too. The diplomatic relationship between both countries commenced in May 1987. Since then, India has been engaging with the country through some specific areas of cooperation including: trade, culture, and its people-to-people connections.  In the 3rd Forum For India-Pacific Islands Cooperation, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that a stronger and deeper partnership allows the Solomon Islands and the region to build concrete transformative people-centered economic cooperation. Thus, as long as China’s engagement with the Solomon Islands move forward, India’s bilateral relationship with Solomon Islands will require greater initiative.



Prepared By

Mohammed Afnan completed Masters Degree - MA in "Politics:International and Area Studies" from MMAJ Academy of International Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. He completed Bachelor of Arts ( BA) in Political Science from University of Calicut, Kerala. His main research areas include India's foreign policy, geopolitics of South Asia, peace and conflict.

CiCM 22nd August 2023

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