• Xi and Uzbek President Elevate Ties to Comprehensive Strategic Partnership: Chinese President Xi Jinping and Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev held talks in Beijing, elevating bilateral ties to an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for a new era. Xi highlighted the deep-rooted and vibrant China-Uzbekistan friendship, expressing the shared aspiration to build a more meaningful relationship. The leaders emphasised treating each other with sincerity and mutual trust, and China pledged support for Uzbekistan's sovereignty and development path. The two nations plan to enhance Belt and Road cooperation, focus on trade and investment facilitation, and collaborate on infrastructure projects. Xi announced China's willingness to import more quality products from Uzbekistan and support its green economic development. They also discussed cooperation on the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway project and collaboration in various sectors, including new energy vehicles, poverty reduction, and cultural exchanges. The leaders signed a joint statement on the comprehensive strategic partnership and multiple other cooperation agreements. Mirziyoyev praised China's development achievements and expressed Uzbekistan's support for China's core interests. The visit symbolised the consolidation and deepening of mutual trust and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.

  • China Promotes Full Private Pension System Implementation: China's Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has announced plans to promote the full implementation of a private pension mechanism already introduced in 36 cities and regions. The ministry reported positive progress since the system's launch in 2022, with over 50 million people participating by opening accounts. Under this mechanism, Chinese citizens can contribute up to 12,000 yuan (approximately 1,700 U.S. dollars) annually to individual pension accounts. This private pension system aims to complement existing pension structures, providing additional support for the ageing population alongside basic old-age pensions, enterprise annuities, and commercial insurance for the elderly. It emphasises a multi-level, market-oriented approach with government guidance. Eligible participants include those in urban pension schemes, with contributions managed through personal accounts. The state offers preferential tax policies to encourage participation. Personal pension funds can be invested in various financial products, and upon meeting conditions, participants can receive pensions in different forms. An information platform managed by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security facilitates account management, information sharing, and regulatory support. The government, along with relevant ministries, oversees the macro development, policy formulation, and operational supervision of personal pensions, with an emphasis on risk management and investor education.

  • China Banks on Hi-Tech Innovation for Global Competitiveness and Manufacturing Dominance: In response to Washington's efforts to contain Chinese tech, Beijing has revealed a new strategy to transform domestic innovations into commercialised products to compete globally. The plan involves establishing five advanced pilot-scale production facilities to boost China's position as the world's leading manufacturer. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology emphasised the simultaneous development of pilot-scale trials, innovation chains, and industrial chains to support high-quality manufacturing. Pilot-scale production bridges laboratory research and mass production, a crucial step for China in strengthening supply chains and catching up in areas like AI and biomedical manufacturing. The ministry aims to increase the supply of products used in pilot tests and encourages the use of AI, machine learning, and digital technologies in manufacturing. This initiative seeks to address challenges in industrial development as low-end industries shift to neighbouring countries, and the US and its allies impose export restrictions. Currently, only 37.3% of China's industrial companies with annual revenue over 20 million yuan engage in research and testing activities, reflecting the need for increased focus on R&D. China's spending on research and development accounted for 2.64% of its GDP in 2023, trailing behind the US and South Korea.

  • Jiaxing Unveils 30 Policies to Stabilise Employment and Ensure Bottom Line: Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, has released "Several Policies and Measures" to enhance employment and entrepreneurship. The measures include supporting job stabilisation and expansion, encouraging entrepreneurship, expanding employment for young people, securing employment for disadvantaged groups, and improving public employment services' efficiency. In 2023, Jiaxing aims to create 146,200 new urban jobs, assist 13,300 individuals with employment difficulties, help 6,965 unemployed college graduates, and provide vocational skills training. The policies also focus on stabilising market entities, promoting The spring entrepreneurship, supporting college graduates, and strengthening the gig market. The goal is to ensure continued stability in the employment situation. The 2024 Spring Breeze Action, as announced by several Chinese government departments, aims to promote employment and development. Running from January 25 to April 8, the initiative focuses on rural workers, including those previously in poverty, college graduates, and individuals affected by disasters. Objectives include stabilizing employment, supporting enterprise development, and boosting market confidence. Activities involve surveys, widespread publicity, recruitment events, labor service coordination, support for hometown entrepreneurship, and various heartwarming measures such as holiday condolences and targeted employment assistance. The goal is to facilitate a smooth return to work and entrepreneurship, ensuring well-being and development.

  • China, Singapore to Implement 30-Day Visa-Free Policy from Feb. 9: China and Singapore have signed an agreement for mutual visa exemption for passport holders, allowing stays of up to 30 days for purposes such as tourism, family visits, and business. The agreement is set to take effect on February 9, 2024, coinciding with Chinese New Year's Eve. While the exemption covers a range of activities, visas are still required for certain activities that need prior approval, such as work or extended stays. China has similar agreements with numerous countries and regions, aiming to facilitate people-to-people exchanges and promote international cooperation. China has established visa exemption agreements with 157 nations, encompassing different passport categories. Streamlined visa processes or agreements have been established with 44 countries. Furthermore, 22 countries, such as Singapore, the Maldives, and Kazakhstan, have reciprocated visa exemptions. Additionally, over 60 countries and regions offer Chinese citizens the convenience of visa-free entry or visa-on-arrival. The implementation coincides with the eve of the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Dragon, serving as a symbolic New Year gift fostering enhanced people-to-people interactions and strengthening overall relations and collaboration between China and Singapore across diverse domains.

  • 2024 National Tobacco Work Conference emphasises deep promotion of legal tobacco construction: The 2024 National Tobacco Work Conference, held in Beijing from January 22 to 23, reviewed the tobacco industry's performance in 2023, assessed current challenges, and outlined key tasks for 2024. Emphasising the industry's need to recognize risks, the conference highlighted the importance of addressing the "six major relationships." These include the relationship between contributing to national finance and overall economic and social development, stable short-term growth and sustainable medium to long-term development, maintaining the monopoly governance system and advancing reform and innovation, achieving high-quality development with high-level security, improving economic strength while enhancing social image, and ensuring comprehensive and strict party governance. The conference urged the industry to boost confidence, maintain strategic focus, concentrate on key areas, and execute tasks effectively to advance high-quality development and modernization. Key priorities include persisting in deepening industry reform, focusing on reform as a crucial step, optimising operational mechanisms, advancing resource allocation reforms, promoting market-oriented changes in cigarette marketing, diversifying investment management, and enhancing core competitiveness. Additionally, the conference emphasised the need for strengthened legal tobacco construction, maintaining rigorous market supervision, and improving e-cigarette regulation to ensure a healthy market order.



  • Chinese Engineer in New Zealand Sparks Probe for Boasting About 'Skiving Off' Work: A Chinese woman working for a publicly-owned water company in New Zealand faced backlash online after boasting on social media about skiving off work during a water shortage. In a deleted video on Xiaohongshu, she outlined her plan to slack off for a day, claiming she completed all tasks before the holiday break. She spent minimal time in the office, engaged in recreational activities, and expressed a desire to continue this in 2024. The video garnered criticism in China and New Zealand, leading to an internal investigation by Wellington Water, which emphasised her actions did not represent the dedicated workforce. Social media users condemned her behavior, and an official investigation has been launched by the company.


  • India and Uzbekistan share a long history of cooperation as India was among the first to recognize Uzbekistan's sovereignty post-independence. Both countries have diverse relations covering political, strategic, defence, security, trade, investment, energy, agriculture, S&T, education, and people-to-people ties. They conduct joint military exercises called "Dustlik." Trade between the two countries increased from USD 247 million in 2019-20 to USD 342 million in 2021-22 (38.5% growth). Indian investments in pharmaceuticals, amusement parks, automobile components, and hospitality and educational institutions like Amity and Sharda Universities have campuses in Uzbekistan. India and Uzbekistan face challenges in their bilateral relations, primarily characterised by low trade levels and connectivity issues. Uzbekistan's landlocked nature hampers effective transportation, and inadequate air connectivity further compounds the problem. As China invests heavily in Uzbekistan's infrastructure projects and economic development, Indian businesses may face increased competition in the Uzbek market. China's expanding influence in Uzbekistan through initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) may lead to a stronger Chinese strategic presence in Central Asia which could challenge India's influence in the region. Addressing these challenges is crucial for fostering stronger economic and diplomatic ties between India and Uzbekistan. To advance India-Uzbekistan relations, the focus should be on diversifying cooperation in strategic sectors, signing trade agreements, exchanging knowledge, promoting tourism, strengthening educational ties, expanding air transport collaboration, and jointly utilising Iranian ports for mutual economic benefit. India can leverage its membership in various multilateral forums, such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), to engage with both China and Uzbekistan on common issues like counterterrorism, economic development, and regional stability. India may use China's engagement with Uzbekistan as an opportunity to diversify its own partnerships in the region. Strengthening ties with other Central Asian nations could help offset any challenges arising from growing China-Uzbekistan relations.

Prepared By

Sejal Dalvi is a Political Science graduate from the University of Mumbai and now pursuing a Master’s in Public Policy from St.Xavier’s College. Her research interests include International relations, Environment and sustainability and Urban governance. Her research papers have previously been published on NITI TANTRA. Her experiences, coupled with a genuine passion for research and addressing societal challenges, have solidified her commitment to policymaking.

CiCM 25th January 2024

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