• Premier Li Qiang meets American Chamber of Commerce delegation : Premier Li Qiang recently met a delegation from the American Chamber of Commerce led by its President and CEO Clark in Beijing. Li highlighted the ongoing dialogues and collaborations between China and the U.S. since Xi-Biden meeting in San Francisco last November. Stressing the 45th anniversary of diplomatic ties, both Xi and Biden had reiterated their commitment to stabilising and enhancing bilateral relations. Continuing on that, Li emphasised the mutual benefits of cooperation over confrontation, expressing China's readiness to work with the U.S. based on principles of mutual respect and win-win cooperation. Pointing out the complementary nature of their economies, Li emphasised the importance of economic and trade cooperation for both countries. He warned against the US efforts for “decoupling and breaking ties” as well as “small yard, high fence” (being selectively aggressive in protecting technologies vital to US interests as suggested by former US Defence Secretary Robert Gates) as it is not in fundamental interests of both countries. China's commitment to modernization and opening up was underscored, welcoming further investment from U.S. companies. Li urged the American Chamber of Commerce to facilitate communication and understanding between the two nations. Clark reciprocated the importance of U.S.-China relations, rejecting decoupling and welcoming further openness from China. The American Chamber of Commerce pledged to foster constructive exchanges and deepen economic cooperation to ensure the stable development of bilateral relations.


  • China's manned Jiaolong Submersible undertakes inaugural dives in the Atlantic Ocean: China Ocean Mineral Resources R&D Association (COMRA) has informed that during China's 83rd ocean expedition, the Jiaolong manned submersible successfully completed its inaugural dives in the Atlantic Ocean, marking a significant milestone. Between December 17 to February 23, Jiaolong had completed 23 dives, setting a new record of nine dives in nine consecutive days in the southern Atlantic Ocean. It aims to conduct 46 expeditions in total until May before its return to Qingdao port. The submersible conducted meticulous operations in various hydrothermal areas, gathering around 300 geological and biological samples along with approximately 4 terabytes of environmental data and visual materials. This expedition marks the first time a Chinese manned submersible has operated in the Atlantic Ocean. Initial findings revealed a striking resemblance between the hydrothermal biological communities in the southern Atlantic Ocean and those in the northern region. Additionally, a survey of the seamount ecosystem in the southern Atlantic Ocean was conducted, contributing to filling gaps in biodiversity research in the region. COMRA highlighted that these findings will enhance global understanding, protection, and sustainable utilisation of deep-sea resources. The successful dives of Jiaolong represent a significant step forward in China's ocean exploration endeavors.


  • China and Laos collaborated to combat cross-border telecom network fraud: The Ministry of Public Security has informed that the police from China and Laos collaborated to dismantle seven telecom network fraud operations in Laos, resulting in the arrest of 268 suspects, including eight financiers. Among those apprehended were 54 leaders and key members, connected to over 1,570 fraud cases nationwide. All suspects have been transferred to China. This achievement stems from the efforts of a Ministry of Public Security task force dispatched to Laos to combat cross-border telecom fraud. Since 2023, significant telecom fraud cases occurred in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and Fujian, prompting immediate action from the Ministry of Public Security. Collaborating with local authorities, they identified numerous fraud hubs in Laos, leading to more than a thousand related cases. In January, a joint task force from several Chinese provinces worked with Laotian authorities to conduct a crackdown. This operation resulted in the arrest of 154 suspects and the seizure of phones and computers. Subsequently, the Laotian police arrested 114 suspects. Recently, 268 suspects and evidence were transferred to China via the Xishuangbanna border port in Yunnan. Investigations are ongoing. Since 2023, Chinese law enforcement has intensified efforts to combat cross-border telecom fraud, achieving significant results in multiple countries. Future efforts will focus on deepening cooperation, eradicating fraud operations, and protecting citizens from such crimes.


  • China’s night economy propelled by new zones: China’s nighttime economy has emerged as a significant driver of economic growth nationwide, encompassing dining, tourism, and leisure sectors. Various regions are rapidly developing unique nighttime economic hubs tailored to different industries. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism recently announced the third batch of China's National Night Culture and Tourism Consumption Agglomeration Zones, totalling 102 areas. These include cultural streets, theme parks, and creative parks across different provinces. During the launch ceremony of the 2024 National Spring Festival Cultural and Tourism Consumption Month, certificates were awarded to representatives from these hubs. The ministry is collaborating with provincial-level authorities and other departments to advance the development of these zones, aiming to enhance cultural and tourism offerings, promote fusion, and create new consumer experiences. According to the 2023 China Nighttime Economy Development Report, nighttime tourism generated 1.57 trillion yuan ($218 billion) in revenue last year, with a growing interest in nighttime excursions. To sustain growth, officials plan to strengthen policy support, refine assistance measures, and promote diverse nighttime experiences focused on leisure, entertainment, and relaxation. Researchers emphasize the importance of incorporating regional flavors, enhancing transportation, and ensuring security to foster vibrant urban nightlife experiences.


  • China urges cooperation to advance the human rights of people with disabilities: At the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Zhang Haidi, former chairperson of the China Disabled Persons' Federation and president of Rehabilitation International, emphasized the need for international collaboration to advance the sustainable development of persons with disabilities worldwide. Zhang also shared insights into China's efforts in safeguarding the rights of persons with disabilities, noting the country's comprehensive legal framework comprising over 90 laws. She revealed that 27 million individuals with disabilities have benefited from national subsidies, and 7.1 million rural residents with disabilities have been lifted out of poverty. While acknowledging the effective promotion of the UN Disability Inclusion Strategy, Zhang highlighted the persistent challenges faced by individuals with disabilities in various aspects of life. She urged for enhanced international exchanges, cooperation, and coordination to better implement the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


  • Over 18,000 diverse medical alliances have been established across China: The National Health Commission revealed in a press conference that by the end of 2023, over 18,000 medical consortiums had been established nationwide, facilitating over 30.3 million consultations, a 9.7% increase from 2022. These included 15.6 million upward transfers (down 4.4%) and 14.7 million downward transfers (up 29.9%). Emphasizing the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system, Jiao Yahui, Director of the Department of Medical Affairs, outlined a strategy focusing on grassroots diagnosis, two-way referral, and linkages between levels. 13 national medical centers and regional centers for children have been set up, with approvals for 125 more projects and support for 961 key clinical specialties. Additionally, 1,163 county hospitals have achieved level 3 status, and provincial-level Internet medical service platforms and over 2,700 Internet hospitals have been established. Future plans include expanding the hierarchical diagnosis system, promoting urban medical groups, enhancing county-level hospital services, and establishing a continuous medical service system. Efforts will also concentrate on expanding high-quality medical resources, ensuring balanced distribution, and optimizing effectiveness mechanisms to maximize the role of medical centers.


  • China's low-altitude economy surpasses 500 billion yuan: China's low-altitude economy, valued at more than 500 billion yuan (approximately $70 billion) by the end of 2023, is forecasted to surge to 2 trillion yuan by 2030, according to the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC). This burgeoning sector encompasses a wide industrial chain, including aircraft research and development, manufacturing, infrastructure construction and operation, as well as flight services. At a recent press conference, CAAC deputy head Han Jun outlined plans to advance the low-altitude flight service system, aiming to simplify application procedures for low-altitude flight plans and support drone logistics distribution pilot projects across provinces like Jiangxi, Guangdong, Shaanxi, and Sichuan. This economic concept, reliant on low-altitude airspace and driven by the general aviation sector, spans various industries such as air tourism, passenger transportation, general aviation services, scientific research, and education. As of 2023, China boasts 689 general aviation firms, with 3,173 registered aircraft and 451 general aviation airports, underscoring the sector's pivotal role in China's economic landscape and its potential for significant growth and innovation in the foreseeable future.



  • Officer's Peppa Pig Rescue Garners Social Media Praise: Social media is abuzz with praise for Officer Xu Haozhan in Jiangxi whose quick thinking and creativity led to the rescue of a missing eight-year-old autistic child named Lu. Despite broken surveillance cameras hindering the search, Xu, along with the property management company and Lu's family, tirelessly searched for over six hours. Facing a deadlock, Xu played Peppa Pig's theme tune on the rooftop, knowing Lu enjoyed the cartoon, eventually hearing a faint response. Lu was found trapped behind a wall, unharmed, and safely rescued. Social media erupted in praise for Xu's innovative approach and dedication. One observer remarked, "It’s Peppa Pig that finally did the work thanks to the police uncle trying many methods." Another hailed Xu's actions as a testament to his bright future. A third praised him as a true embodiment of dedication and responsibility, showcasing the essence of the people's police. Xu's compassionate and resourceful rescue mission resonated widely, earning him widespread admiration online. Additionally, a commenter lauded Xu's quick thinking, stating, "This officer's decision to play Peppa Pig's music shows the power of creativity in problem-solving.”



  • Like China, India has also been taking active efforts for the dignity and the ease of living for the specially abled population of the country. In India, around 2.68 Crore people are specially abled people which accounts for approximately 2.21 percent of the total population. India has made significant strides in advancing the human rights of people with disabilities through a comprehensive approach that encompasses legislation, infrastructure development, education, employment, financial support, rehabilitation services, awareness campaigns, and provision of assistive devices. The enactment of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, has strengthened legal protections and expanded accessibility standards across public infrastructure and digital platforms. Initiatives like the Accessible India Campaign are improving physical and digital accessibility, while the Right to Education Act and Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan ensure inclusive education for children with disabilities. Government schemes and mandates reserve employment opportunities and provide financial assistance, scholarships, and tax benefits. Rehabilitation centers offer medical, therapeutic, and vocational support, while awareness campaigns raise awareness and advocacy organizations promote disability rights. Additionally, subsidized provision of assistive devices enhances mobility and independence for individuals with disabilities. Looking ahead, it is crucial for India to sustain and enhance these efforts. Suggestions for improvement include strengthening implementation mechanisms, expanding coverage to underserved areas, enhancing coordination between stakeholders, increasing public-private partnerships, and leveraging technology for greater accessibility. These steps will further advance the rights, inclusion, and well-being of persons with disabilities, fostering a more inclusive and equitable society.

Prepared By

Aachal completed her graduation in Political Science from Banaras Hindu University. Currently she is pursuing her master's in Political Science from IGNOU. Her areas of interest revolve around international relations, foreign policy dynamics, defence and security. She has previously interned with the Council for Social Development and the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies.

CiCM 28th February 2024

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