• Shanghai to establish International Business Cooperation Zone: In an effort to bolster international business exchanges and promote economic cooperation, the General Administration of Customs announced the "Overall Plan for the Construction of Shanghai Oriental Hub International Business Cooperation Zone." Spanning an area of approximately 0.88 square kilometres, the zone is strategically positioned to leverage the advantages of the Oriental Hub Shanghai East Railway Station and Pudong International Airport. It will facilitate needs of international business personnel who travel to Shanghai for short-term stay and help them conduct business meetings, negotiations and other related activities. The plan outlines a multifaceted approach, focusing on three key "new" developments: serving as a platform for international business exchanges, aggregating service resource elements, and promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta region. This will include policies and measures aimed at simplifying entry procedures for international travellers and relaxing customs supervision for luggage and items. The phased development plan targets completion of the pilot launch area by 2025, with full closure and construction of key functional infrastructure by 2028. By 2030, the zone aims to achieve its functional goals of facilitating regional cross-border exchanges, promoting international business activities, and fostering innovation and resource aggregation.


  • Politburo convened to review draft government work report: The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee convened on February 29 to review the draft "Government Work Report" slated for submission to the 14th National People's Congress. Chaired by General Secretary Xi Jinping, the meeting reflected on the challenges faced in the past year, highlighting the Party's resilience in steering the nation through external pressures and internal hurdles. Notably, achievements in pandemic control, economic rebound, and social stability were acknowledged, underscoring progress towards building a modern socialist country. With 2024 marking the 75th anniversary of the PRC's founding, the Politburo stressed adherence to Xi Jinping Thought and the Party's directives for the "14th Five-Year Plan." While emphasising stability through progress, members called for proactive fiscal policies, flexible monetary measures, and advancements in science, education, and rural revitalization along with low-carbon development. Moreover, the report will underscore the imperative of ecological conservation, social governance innovation, and government efficiency to meet development targets effectively.


  • China's first Space Environment Simulation facility begins operations in Harbin: China's first Space Environment Simulation and Research Infrastructure (SESRI) facility has officially commenced operations in Harbin, Heilongjiang, following a national-level acceptance review. Developed jointly by the Harbin Institute of Technology and the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, SESRI is a groundbreaking scientific facility in the aerospace field, as reported by China Central Television. The facility, referred to as the "ground space station," simulates nine major space environmental factors such as vacuums, high and low temperatures, charged particles, electromagnetic radiation, space dust, plasma, weak magnetic fields, neutral gases and microgravity, and covers an area equivalent to 50 soccer fields. It aims to address fundamental scientific and technological issues related to space environments, spacecraft, life-forms, and plasma interactions. According to Li Liyi, deputy commander in chief of the project, SESRI enables experiments that were previously only possible in space. The facility is crucial for ensuring the safe operation of China's spacecraft, supporting long-term human habitation in space, and enhancing capabilities to deal with extreme space environment. After 18 years of development, during the trials, it has served several Chinese as well as international customers and boosted indigenous development of various aerospace electronic equipment in China.


  • All-China Federation of Trade Unions makes arrangements for implementation of "One Letter, Two Documents": The National Trade Union's work deployment meeting convened in Beijing to discuss the effective implementation of labour-related legal provisions through the "one letter and two documents" approach. The "one letter, two books" system is a method used by labour unions and related entities to prompt employers to adhere to labour laws and regulations or rectify any unlawful labour practices. The "one letter" refers to the "Trade Union Labor Law Supervision Reminder Letter," while the "two books" encompass the "Trade Union Labor Law Supervision Opinion Letter" and the "Trade Union Labor Law Supervision Recommendation Letter." It also covers matters related to labour contracts, such as their creation, performance, modification, and termination, as well as the distribution of wages and benefits, and the administration of social insurance. Additionally, it addresses issues concerning working hours, breaks, and vacation policies, as well as occupational health and safety measures, including those for women, underage workers, disabled employees, and elderly workers. The meeting highlighted the importance of adhering to General Secretary Xi Jinping's directives on labour rights and called for cooperation among various departments to promote this initiative. Recent releases by the ACFTU, Supreme People's Court, and Supreme People's Procuratorate outlined clear guidelines for implementing "one letter and two documents", urging local trade unions to enhance supervision and enforcement efforts. The meeting stressed the need for grassroots trade unions to establish labour law supervision organisations and undergo training to effectively carry out their responsibilities.


  • Hong Kong’s budget for 2024-25 focuses on growth consolidation and boosting market confidence: The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government unveiled its budget for the new financial year, featuring targeted measures to boost market confidence and consolidate economic growth. Financial Secretary Paul Chan delivered the budget themed "Advance with confidence. Seize Opportunities. Strive for High-quality Development," forecasting Hong Kong's real GDP growth at 2.5 percent to 3.5 percent for the upcoming year. Amidst a challenging global environment, the Hong Kong economy grew by 3.2 percent in 2023. Chan emphasised the expected growth in visitor arrivals and rising incomes to support exports and private consumption. The government also announced measures to bolster the property market, including the cancellation of demand-side management measures for residential properties. Additionally, efforts to boost the tourism sector include staging more mega-events and enhancing their promotion with an investment of 100 million Hong Kong dollars over three next three years. Despite external challenges, Chan expressed confidence in Hong Kong's growth trajectory, citing institutional advantages and international characteristics. The government plans to issue 120 billion Hong Kong dollars worth of bonds, including retail tranche, silver bonds and green bonds, to achieve financial inclusiveness and infrastructure development.



  • Outrage over Video Showing Teacher Abusing Student in China Prompts Strong Response from Education Bureau: A video circulating on Chinese social media platforms has ignited widespread outrage after capturing a teacher at a school in Xiangxiang, Hunan, physically and verbally abusing a student over incomplete homework. The disturbing footage, which quickly went viral on Weibo, showed the teacher hurling insults and beating the young student multiple times. In response to the public outcry, the Xiangxiang City Education Bureau swiftly formed an investigative team and temporarily suspended the teacher from her duties. Following preliminary investigations, the Bureau confirmed the authenticity of the video and pledged to take strict disciplinary action against the teacher in accordance with relevant policies. Moreover, the Bureau has arranged for professional psychologists to provide counselling to the affected students. Expressing gratitude for the public's attention and monitoring, the Bureau vowed to reinforce teacher morality and conduct to prevent similar incidents in the future. Weibo users condemned the teacher's actions, with many demanding her arrest and a permanent ban from teaching. The incident has prompted the Xiangxiang City Education Bureau to release comprehensive guidelines on appropriate teacher conduct, emphasising the prohibition of physical punishment and verbal abuse.



  • As a result of continued efforts by the Government of India to improve ease of doing business environment, it has improved its rank by 79 positions in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business index, from 142 in 2014 to 63 in 2020. Initiatives such as the Start-Up India program and the MSME compliance regime aim to foster entrepreneurship, streamline regulatory processes, and reduce bureaucratic interference, thereby facilitating the creation of employment opportunities. For instance, the Start-Up India initiative introduced a compliance regime based on self-certification, enabling start-ups to focus on their operations without the burden of frequent inspections. Similarly, the MSME compliance regime simplifies regulatory requirements for small businesses during their initial three years, promoting ease of establishment and operation. In line with this commitment, the government is expected to prioritise ease of doing business in the upcoming Budget 2024-25. Proposed measures include decriminalising certain offences that impact entrepreneurs and reforming labour laws to alleviate compliance burdens. India has undertaken significant reforms in labour laws since 2019, consolidating 29 Union Acts into four codes. Despite initial delays, the implementation of these labour codes remains critical to enhancing ease of doing business in India. The codes cover various aspects such as wages, occupational safety, social security, and industrial relations, providing a comprehensive framework to support business activities. Overall, India's efforts to improve the ease of doing business underscore its commitment to fostering entrepreneurship and economic growth.

Prepared By

Aliza Mehdi is a final year student of Political Science at Indraprastha College for Women. Her academic areas of interest include Comparative Politics, Conflict Studies, Developmental Economics and Film and Television Studies, and is currently working as an Associate (Training and Development) at Pratarka - an education startup specialising in soft-skill development and pedagogical research for students. She is interested in politics, policy, design and writing, and is an active member of the DU varsity debating circuit.

CiCM 29th February 2024

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