• Lawmakers’ suggestions reviewed by National People’s Congress: The National People's Congress (NPC), China’s top legislative body, completed reviewing 8314 suggestions submitted by lawmakers across the country. These suggestions were submitted by deputies among which the primary responsibility is to put forward advice on the governance and development of the country they receive during and after the yearly meeting of the NPC. In a conference held in Zhengding in Henan province, it was revealed that feedback regarding the suggestions had been sent to the deputies. All suggestions are reviewed by the Standing Committee of the People's Congress after which they are passed on to specific committees and departments of the government to implement. This year, over 204 departments were provided with suggestions. Over 46 percent of all suggestions received pushed for the establishment of a new development pattern while almost 16 percent emphasized the need to improve the lives and livelihoods of people.
  • Iran and China pledge to work together to resolve Israel-Gaza crisis: Liu Jianchao, the International Department Chief of the Chinese Communist Party visited Tehran to meet with several Iranian political leaders including Mohammad Bagher Zolghadr, secretary of the Expediency Discernment Council of Iran and Ghodrat Ali Heshmatian, the chairman of Iran’s House of Parties. Both countries pledge to work together to maintain peace in regional and international affairs. Iran affirmed its support for China's call for a ceasefire in Gaza, stating that it is important for both countries to work together under the guidelines of the United Nations to address the crisis. Both countries reiterated their firm resolve to end the conflict as well as achieve justice. Cooperation between both countries has been growing on the semi-official level with China previously mediating the resolution of diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia. In previous meetings with the Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Chinese President Xi Jinping promised to work together on a multilateral agenda.
  • China urges greater action towards development of legal framework for outer space: In a statement on 6th December, Wang Wenbin, the spokesperson for the Chinese foreign ministry implored other countries to come together to draw a legal framework for arms control in outer space. He drew attention to the neglect of the need for a legal treaty in outer space by some countries and raised doubts about the consensus to prevent an arms race in outer space. In line with its stance, the Chinese delegation also introduced a resolution along with Russia in the United Nations General Assembly(UNGA) that calls for "no placement of weapons in outer space." This resolution has already been submitted to the UNGA for many years previously. Wang drew attention to the international community's aspiration for preventing an arms race in outer space as well as safeguarding peace and security. Wang said that the quick and unwavering adoption of the resolution is testament to the international community's commitment to protecting and securing outer space.
  • List of pilot cities seeking to peak carbon emissions released: A list of hundred Chinese pilot cities and industrial development parks that intend to peak carbon emission was released by the Chinese government to solve the country's green and low-carbon development. The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) in a statement said that the plan aims to improve green and low-carbon development by 2030. According to the statement, the policy mechanism as well as plans for innovation for the same should be in place by 2025 and that by 2030 the primary tasks, projects and reforms will be finished. The list, formed on the basis of voluntary declarations by cities and parks, covers over 15 provincial regions of China by considering their gross carbon emission volume as well as socio-economic background. The list includes pilot cities like Bozhou, Qingdao, Yantai, Xinxiang, Xinyang, Xiangyang, Shiyan, Changshan and Xiangtan as well as industrial parks including Xixian New Area and Changzhi.
  • Chinese leaders strengthen ties with Mexico: China’s Foreign Minister Wang Li met with his Mexican contemporary Alicia Barcena in Beijing. The meeting concluded with both leaders pledging to work towards strengthening cooperation while emphasising on the vast room for development. Wang lay focus on the need to encourage cooperation in various fields including economy, culture and trade. The two countries also came together to commemorate the 10th anniversary of establishment of Sino-Mexican relations. A Mexican working group which visited China in October earlier this year was also mentioned for its importance in jointly ministering and combating trafficking of precursor chemicals used to make drugs. Cooperation in countering the use of such substances is an important pillar in the relationship between the two countries. The issue of drugs was also discussed when the Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Mexican leaders during the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).



  • Social media celebrates the return of giant panda couple from the UK: The giant panda couple, Yang Guang and Tian Tian, returned to China's Sichuan province after residing in the United Kingdom since 2011. The panda couple resided in the Edenborough Zoo for twelve years where they were trained to adapt to their new environment. The two pandas were driven to the Edenborough Airport where they were served specially prepared in-flight meals, bamboo that grew in the United Kingdom. The return of the pandas has seen great engagement on social media websites in China. On Weibo, China's version of X, the topic appeared at the top of trending searches. The pandas had been borrowed by the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland twelve years ago. The Scottish Conservatory lauded the role of the pandas in driving greater attention to the issue of animal extension. Netizens joyously welcomed the pandas back, calling them China's "cutest ambassadors" and prayed for their safe and happy re-settlement in China



  • In recent years, India has reaffirmed its commitment to fighting drugs. In June 2023, the Minister for Home Affairs, Amit Shah reported the progress of India in its fight against drugs to commemorate the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. He said that the value of seized drugs had risen from 768 crore rupees between 2006-2013 to 22,000 crore rupees in 2014-2022. An increase of 181 percent has been reported against drug peddlers. The Indian government adopted a zero-tolerance policy towards narcotics, applying the "Whole of Government Approach" through which inter-departmental cooperation is enhanced to fight drugs. The Narcotics Control Bureau of India also launched the "Nasha Mukt Pakhwada" (Drug Free Fortnight) in the ongoing fight against drugs. The National Coordination Centre (NCORD), and Anti-Narcotics Task Force (ANTF) were also established in 2019 to aid this agenda. India has also joined hands with the US government in its fight against the fentanyl crisis.


Prepared By

Tarini Agarwal is a twenty-year-old student at Lady Shri Ram College for Women with a passion for history and penchant for writing about issues of contemporary relevance.

CiCM 6th December 2023

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