Vanshika is a recent graduate from Ashoka University with a degree in Economics and a minor in Computer Science. Her interests lie in understanding the global economy and its impact on international communities, policy-making, and the social sector. She is particularly drawn to quantitative analysis and has a keen interest in international economics, aiming to contribute to data-driven decision-making in global economic contexts.

Vanshika Patel
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CiCM 19th July 2024

CPC Third Plenum Outlines Comprehensive Reform Plan for Chinese Modernization, China Criticizes Japan's Defense White Paper, China Intensifies Trade Measures Amid Global Economic Tensions, New Think Tank Launched to Promote Global Security Initiative, China Launches New Earth Observation Satellite, Chinese Swimmers' Anti-Doping Tests Spark Online Discussion, Microsoft Outage Disrupts Flights and Hospital Operations in India

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CiCM 17th July 2024

Chinese UN Envoy Criticizes NATO and Calls for Just International Order, China and Philippines Enhance Communication Amid South China Sea, China to Issue Fourth Batch of Ultra-Long Special Treasury Bonds, Deadly Fire Breaks Out in Shopping Mall in Sichuan's Zigong City, China EximBank Issues Financial Bonds to Support Belt and Road Initiative, Viral 'Apple Fungus' Sparks Scientific Interest and Social Media Buzz, India Secures Major Funding for Nationwide Rooftop Solar Initiative

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CiCM 15th July 2024

China's Economy Grows 4.7% in Second Quarter of 2024, China Launches Nationwide Campaign to Safeguard Cyberspace for Minors During Summer, China Escalates WTO Dispute Over U.S. Electric Vehicle Subsidies, 20th CPC Central Committee Convenes Third Plenary Session Amid Tight Security, China's Rail Freight Volume and Turnover Hit Record Highs in June, Restaurant Owner's Dish Name Test for Staff Sparks Online Debate, Fatal Road Accident in Gujarat Claims Six Lives

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CiCM 13-14 July 2024

China's Top Legislator Strengthens Ties with Russia During Official Visit, Beijing Launches "Rocket Street" Project to Boost Commercial Space Development, China Strongly Opposes U.S. Signing of Xizang-Related Act, China Strongly Opposes U.S. Signing of Xizang-Related Act, China Finalizes Olympic Delegation for 2024 Paris Games

Vanshika Patel
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CiCM 11th July 2024

China Releases White Paper on Marine Eco-Environmental Protection, Apollo Go Robotaxis Gain Popularity in Wuhan, Sparking Debate on Employment Impact, China's Visa-Free Policy Boosts International Tourism and Cultural Exchange, China Announces increase in Retail Prices for Gasoline and Diesel, China Responds to NATO Summit Declaration, Rising Social Tensions Spark Debate on Chinese Social Media, Heavy Monsoon Rains Cause Havoc in Uttar Pradesh


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