• China's Foreign Exchange Reserves surge to $3.2457 trillion in March 2024: The State Administration of Foreign Exchange disclosed on April 7 that China's foreign exchange reserves reached US$3.2457 billion by the end of March 2024, marking an increase of US$19.8 billion compared to the previous month, representing a growth rate of 0.62%. Attributing the surge, a senior official from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange pointed out that in March 2024, the U.S. dollar index observed an uptick alongside a general rise in global financial asset prices. This upward trend, combined with factors like exchange rate conversions and fluctuations in asset values, contributed to the expansion of foreign exchange reserves during the month. Highlighting the resilience of China's economy, the official emphasized that the ongoing rebound and consolidation of the nation's economic performance, coupled with enduring positive fundamentals, serve as pillars supporting the sustained stability of foreign exchange reserves. The People's Bank of China, China's central bank, announced on the same day that the country's gold reserves after March totalled 72.74 million ounces, exhibiting a slight increase from the 72.58 million ounces recorded at the end of February. This marks the 17th consecutive month of growth in China's gold reserves.

  • Former top officials expelled from Party for serious violations: Following approval from the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Party Committee, the Autonomous Region Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission initiated a case review and investigation into Li Yongning, former member of the Standing Committee of the Yinchuan Municipal Party Committee and former secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, for grave breaches of discipline and law. Investigation revealed that Li Yongning, as a party member and senior official, deviated from his ideals and beliefs, neglecting his political duties and abusing his authority for personal gain. He was found to have engaged in a litany of misconducts, including accepting illicit gifts, concealing personal matters, and unlawfully seeking benefits for others during cadre selection processes. Li's actions were deemed to seriously contravene party and organizational discipline, integrity norms, and work protocols, amounting to severe violations of law and discipline, with suspicions of bribery. Despite multiple warnings, Li persisted in his wrongful behaviours even after the 18th and 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. In accordance with relevant regulations, the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Region Discipline Inspection Commission, upon approval from the Autonomous Region Party Committee, decided to expel Li from the party, dismiss him from public office, confiscate his illicit gains, and refer his suspected criminal offenses to the Procuratorate for legal prosecution.

  • Supreme People's Court seeks public input on draft interpretation of Civil Code's Marriage and Family section: The Supreme People's Court has announced the drafting of an "Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of the Marriage and Family Section of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China (II)" to ensure the correct implementation of the Civil Code and protect the rights of women, minors, the elderly, and disabled individuals. The draft, aimed at unifying law application and fostering family harmony, is now open for public feedback until April 30, 2024. The interpretation, crafted in response to trial practices, addresses various facets of marriage and family law. Notable provisions include guidelines on bigamy cases, handling of parties disputing "fake divorce," resolution of cohabitation property disputes, and recognition of parents' contributions to their children's housing. Furthermore, it outlines procedures for handling live broadcast rewards involving minors and couples, disposing of real estate donated to minor children, and determining financial compensation and assistance in divorce cases. The draft aims to provide clarity and consistency in legal proceedings related to marriage and family matters. It will apply to civil cases arising from legal facts after the implementation of the Civil Code, ensuring a fair and equitable legal framework for all parties involved in marriage and family proceedings.

  • Shanghai Municipal leaders conduct special research on rural revitalization: On the 7th of April, Municipal Party Committee Secretary Chen Jining and Deputy Secretary Gong Zheng dedicated a day to conduct special research on rural revitalization in Jinshan and Fengxian districts. Secretary Chen emphasized the importance of addressing the proposition of rural revitalization on the city's new journey. Over the past year, Shanghai has made significant progress in rural revitalization. Through comprehensive surveys and the identification of shortcomings, action plans and policy measures have been introduced. Various districts are actively exploring ways to promote the construction of beautiful villages and develop rural economies. During their visit to Daijing Village in Jinshan District and Yuli Village in Fengxian District, city leaders gained insights into rural planning, collective economic development, and improvements in villagers' lives. They interacted with villagers to understand their feelings and concerns, receiving positive feedback on the changes in the villages, including increased incomes and improved living environments. The leaders also inspected agricultural facilities and cooperative projects to understand modern agricultural practices and market prospects. At the promotion meeting, the Municipal Leading Group Office for Implementing the Rural Revitalization Strategy presented a work report. Exchange speeches were delivered by representatives from Fengxian District Committee, Lvxiang Town, Jinshan District, and Cenbu Village, Qingpu District. Secretary Chen highlighted the need for rural revitalization to align with the construction of Shanghai as a modern international metropolis. Gong Zheng emphasized the importance of overall rural revitalization, stressing the need for sustainable income growth and creative solutions tailored to local conditions. The meeting was attended by other municipal leaders Zhu Zhisong, Li Zheng, and Chen Yujian.

  • China and Brazil sign 30-year franchise agreement for ultra-high-voltage power transmission line: China and Brazil have sealed a significant 30-year franchise agreement for the Brazil northeast ultra-high-voltage direct current (UHVDC) power transmission line project. The agreement, signed in Brasilia, aims to bolster Brazil's clean energy transformation by delivering wind, solar, and hydropower from north-eastern and northern regions to central parts of the country. Operational by 2029, the project is set to promote national clean and low-carbon energy initiatives. China's State Grid secured the project, marking it as the largest auction of infrastructure power transmission in Brazil. The project involves the construction of an 800kV DC transmission line spanning 1,468 kilometres. It will deliver 5 million kilowatts of clean power from north-eastern wind and solar farms to key regions, including metropolitan areas in Brasilia, meeting the electricity needs of over 12 million people. The signing ceremony, held at the Brazilian Presidential Palace, was attended by Chinese Ambassador to Brazil Zhu Qingqiao, Brazil's Minister of Mines and Energy Alexandre Silveira, and Sandoval Feitosa, head of the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL). Minister Silveira emphasized the project's role in enhancing the stability of Brazil's power grid and supporting green development goals.


  • Central Commission for Discipline Inspection emphasizes strengthening investigation of bribery: The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection highlighted the need to strengthen the investigation of bribery, particularly in light of recent legal amendments aimed at providing more robust legal support for combating bribery crimes. The session emphasized the importance of cracking down on bribery, which some perpetrators view as a "guaranteed profit" investment, tarnishing the political ecology. Recent legal amendments, including the Criminal Law Amendment (12) effective from March 1, have modified provisions related to bribery crimes, aiming to provide stronger legal grounds for punishing offenders involved in bribery. The nature of improper benefits obtained from bribery varies, from tangible economic gains to intangible advantages in competition and career advancement. Recovering and correcting these benefits is crucial in restoring fair competition and mitigating the negative impact of bribery on society. Efforts to recover and correct improper benefits obtained through bribery must be accurately deployed to achieve effective anti-corruption outcomes. This involves clarifying the nature of illegitimate interests and improving mechanisms for handling bribery cases comprehensively. Disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies at various levels have been actively promoting the investigation of bribery cases, aiming to sever the chain of corrupt interests and form a united front against bribery.


  • Debate ignited as elite Chinese university refuses admission to student with animal abuse history: The decision of a prestigious Chinese university to reject a student with a record of animal abuse has sparked a nationwide conversation on moral assessments in the admissions process. The student, identified as Xu, allegedly posted videos of himself mistreating cats online, leading to condemnation from animal protection organizations. Nanjing University, part of China's "985" initiative, denied Xu admission despite his top ranking in the written test, citing his failure in the interview. The university acknowledged that Xu's animal abuse history was a factor in the decision. However, Xu has now been listed for an entrance exam at Lanzhou University, also under the "985" initiative, prompting public outcry on social media platforms. Discussions on Weibo garnered over 40 million views, with many supporting the prioritization of morals in university admissions. Controversially, Hu Xijin called for leniency, citing psychological issues. This incident echoes a previous case in 2023 when a student was expelled for similar cruelty. China currently lacks specific laws against animal cruelty, although legal experts suggest online dissemination of such content may warrant administrative penalties.


  • As reported by Global Times, ‘red tourism’, a patriotic themed tourism is gaining prominence in this year’s Qingming Festival holidays. Young Chinese have been observed visiting martyrs' cemeteries, memorial halls and other such destinations to remember and pay tribute to Chinese soldiers. More interestingly and much in regards to China’s neighbour India, the report by Global Times also cites the four ‘martyrs’ from Galwan Valley clash being remembered and commemorated during this patriotic theme holiday at the Kangxiwa Martyrs Cemetery (4000 metres above sea level). For instance, Chen Xiangrong's tomb was filled with his favourite oranges and people even sent flowers to his tometown in Fujian. In recent years, China's top leadership has consistently emphasized on the importance of commemorating the sacrifices made by Chinese soldiers against foreign forces, as reported by the outlet. Chinese President Xi Jinping's remarks during his visit to the Liaoshen Campaign Memorial in Jinzhou, Northeast China's Liaoning Province in August 2022, also underscored similar sentiments. The report also sheds light on the utilization of nationalism in festivals, showcasing how such commemorations serve as platforms to instill national pride and historical consciousness among the populace, particularly the youth. 

Prepared By

Shourjyadipta Roy is currently pursuing his Masters' in Political Science and International Relations from the Department of International Relations, Jadavpur University. He takes a keen interest in Chinese foreign policy, China's impact on the world and Chinese politics as a whole. He plans to pursue research in the near future.

CiCM 6th-7th April 2024

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