• China’s economic showed recovery in the third quarter: China’s economic recovery showed mild improvement in the third quarter with a 1.3 percent increase as compared to the previous three months. The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) reported that China’s year-on-year GDP grew by 4.9 percent in the third quarter and was higher than the estimate of economists. So far, China’s economy has achieved a growth of 5.2 percent in the first three quarters of 2023. NBS deputy director Sheng Laiyun stated that China needs to focus on boosting effective domestic demand, supporting the market entities by implementing the already existing policies in order to achieve this year’s growth target. However, an important point to note is the struggling real estate market, with property investments falling by 9.1 percent in the first three quarters. Apart from this, other statistics showed increase in fixed-asset investment by 3.1 percent in the first nine months of the year, followed by increase in retail sales by 5.5 percent in September. Furthermore, the report showed that the urban unemployment rate decreased from last year’s 5.2 percent to 5 percent this year and the increase in industrial output by 4.5 percent in September.


  • China expressed great concern over failure of resolution regarding the Israel-Palestine issue: The United Nations Security Council recently held a vote for a draft resolution proposed by Brazil, about the Israel-Palestine conflict. However, the resolution was not passed due to the United States exercising its veto power against it. This led to the Chinese Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Zhang Jun to express his deep shock and disappointment over the failure of the draft. The draft condemned the Palestinian Resistance Movement (Hamas) as well as all violent activities taking place against the civilians and urged everyone to follow international law, provide basic goods and services to civilians and asked the United Nations to evacuate the people in the northern part of the Gaza strip. However, the United States veto against the resolution prevented this despite other twelve other UNSC members voting in favour of the resolution. Zhang Jun highlighted the need for immediate ceasefire to safeguard the lies of hundreds of civilians and prevent further damage to humanity. He also believed that some modifications to the resolution are required but he still believes that it should have been passed. Furthermore, Zhang Jun urged the UNSC to listen to the calls of the Arab countries and the Palestinian people and fulfil its responsibilities of acting against the violence and demand for immediate ceasefire.


  • The 19th Beijing-Tokyo forum starts in Beijing: China’s foreign minister Wang Yi addressed the opening ceremony of the 19th Beijing-Tokyo Forum via a video speech and congratulated everyone on the 45th anniversary of the China-Japan treaty of Peace and Friendship. He highlighted how both countries are two of the major powers in Asia and even in the world and thus the need for common interest and broad cooperation is necessary. He put forward five suggestions on broadening the China-Japan relations, where he firstly asked both nations to keep their promises on sensitive issues like the history they share and Taiwan and only then can the relations flow smoothly between them as well as help build a solid foundation for bilateral relations. Next, he asked to increase the Sino-Japan economic and trade cooperation to gain the highest level of mutual benefit. Thirdly, Wang Yi urged both nations to keep their difference aside, including both their social and political ideological differences and develop trust between them so that they can take their relationship in the right direction. Furthermore, he highlighted the importance of people-to-people connect especially among the younger generation so that they develop more mutual understanding and help improve China-Japan relations and eliminate any form of negative sentiments they hold against each other. Lastly, Wang Yi asked both China and Japan to strengthen coordination to help safeguard the unity in Asia and promote more high-quality implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, together. He urged them to push for multilateralism, more regional cooperation and maintain peace as well as stability in this region. Wang Yi also talked about how the Beijing-Tokyo Forum is an important platform for both nations since 2005 to exchange talks in between them.


  • Draft revision to the Marine Environment Law to be submitted to the National People's Congress Standing Committee: China has increased its efforts to prevent and combat water pollution through new technologies to monitor the maritime environments. Yang Heqing, spokesperson of the National People's Congress Standing Committee’s Legislative Affairs Commission stated that a draft revision to the Marine Environment Protection Law is going to be submitted which would include measures to control nitrogen and phosphorous emission into the sea. He further added that how the draft aims to improve the quality of marine environments, especially considering how important it is to control water pollution in China. Furthermore, the draft calls out for construction of facilities on land to mange the marine debris as well as better usage of technology to monitor marine radiations. Yang also disclosed that during the session of the NPC Standing Committee, other drafts pertaining to the charity law, food security and patriotic education will be reviewed. Additionally, drafts on infectious disease prevention and control law along with tariff laws are also expected to be submitted for review.


  • Municipal government of Shanghai reveals new action plan for infrastructure development: The municipal government of Shanghai has unveiled a new action plan to help boost infrastructure development for the period 2023 to 2026 with the help of computing power and high-speed communication network. The municipal government revealed their plan of expanding the 5G network further and building an optic fibre network of more than 10 gigabits per second as well as develop several 5G advance technologies by 2026. Such new policies will help boost investment and promote Shanghai’s digital transformation. The action plan aims to carry out Shanghai’s digital transformation in five key areas: communication network, computing power, new data, innovation facilities and terminals. Furthermore, the plan aligns itself with the developmental trends of technologies like intelligent computing power, blockchains and robots as well as adhering to eco-friendly and low carbon energy conservation requirements.



  • 3-year-old missing girl’s body found in Ningbo City: The Shanghai police received a report that the body of a girl was found in the Zhenhai district of Ningbo City. Upon further investigation, they found the clothing and characteristics of the girl to be like the little girl who went missing on the beach in Nanhui Xincheng, Pudong. After forensic examination and investigation, it was concluded that the cause of the death was drowning, and no criminal activity was involved. Weibo users were enraged upon hearing this news and took to the platform to express their views. They questioned the irresponsibility of the parents, specifically the father who was last seen on the beach with her. One user even expressed their shock of the distance that the body travelled to and how careless could the parents be. Netizens expressed how disturbed they were especially given the young age of the girl and gave their condolences to the family. A Weibo user commented how the little girl had not even seen the world yet and hoped that she was born into a more loving and good family in her next life.



  • While China expressed deep concern about the failure of the resolution to pass in the United Nations security Council (UNSC) regarding the Israel- Palestine issue, India avoided commenting on the failure of the resolution. India continued urging the international communities to focus on following international humanitarian laws. This was followed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi calling the President of Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas to express his deep condolences for the loss of lives which mostly included women, children and elderly from the blast at the Al-Ahil hospital in Gaza. Prime Minister Modi further expressed his concern over the growing terrorism, violence and weaking security in the area and assured that India would continue to provide humanitarian assistance to them. Although both Hamas and Israel blame each other for the bombing of the hospital, India avoided taking sides and called out for observance of international humanitarian law once again. India had earlier condemned the attack on Israel by Hamas and had stood in support for Israel, however later Arindam Bagchi, official Spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs stated how India had always urged for negotiations to establish a "sovereign, independent and viable state of Palestine.” After the blast at the Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza, Modi took to X (Twitter) to convey his deep concern about the growing civilian casualties and to hold those responsible for the attack, accountable.

Prepared By

Adhishri Seth is currently pursuing her bachelor's degree in Global Studies at Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi, with a strong ambition to advance her academic career through a master's program in international relations. Her interests encompass a wide array of global topics, including world politics, political economic institutions, foreign policy, and global diplomacy, reflected in her dedication to extensive reading and research. Additionally, Adhishri is currently learning Mandarin, a crucial step towards understanding East Asian affairs, bridging both linguistic and cultural divides, and helping her to follow her dream of engaging more deeply with this intricate world.

CiCM 19th October 2023

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