• New shipping route between China and Brazil opened: The first regular direct shipping route from China to Brazil was officially opened, as the “Tian Le” vessel set sail from the Nansha port in Guangzhou city to the South American country. The vessel will dock in Victoria and Santos in Brazil, after which it will head to Lazaro Cardenas in Mexico. “Tian Le,” operated by COSCO Shipping Specialized Carriers Co., Ltd., had been loaded with goods like Chinese-made passenger cars, engineering machinery, and electronics. The shipping route is the fifth such route to a BRICS country added to Guangzhou port this year. Nansha port authorities said that eight more multipurpose vessels will be deployed on the route; they will operate on a fortnightly schedule. The vessels are being added along the new route to ensure stable shipping services between China and South America.

  • BRI has yielded fruitful results for Italy, remarks Wang Yi: Attending the 11th Joint Meeting of the China-Italy Government Committee, Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi mentioned that, in recent years, Italian cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has yielded fruitful results for the European country. Wang met his Italian counterpart Antonio Tajani in the meeting, where the Chinese minister reminded Tajani of the long history of friendly exchanges and civilization connect between the two countries. Wang also added that China is willing to promote the “greater development” of the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries. The minister also mentioned how the bilateral trade between China and Italy has grown from $50 billion to $80 billion, with Italian exports growing by 30 percent. Tajani also met Chinese commerce minister Wang Wentao, who said Italian companies were welcome to expand business in the Chinese market. The visit by Tajani came on the back of mounting speculation that Italy, the sole G7 member in the BRI, might pull out of the project.

  • Ministry unveils supportive measures for 10 industries: The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in China, along with relevant departments released plans to stabilize growth in key industries, including automotive, electronic information manufacturing, and machinery. These plans aim to boost supply and demand, ensuring steady industrial growth. The focus is on ten industries, which represent 70 percent of large-scale industries. Measures, which would consider aspects such as scale and economic relevance, will include stimulating domestic demand by encouraging investment, consumption, and exports, particularly in areas like new energy vehicles and products for the elderly and children. International market exploration is also a priority, with efforts to consolidate exports and align with global demand. The Ministry also emphasized close collaboration with other ministries and departments and efficient policy implementation to drive high-quality industrial development.

  •  HR Ministry announces campaign to maintain poverty alleviation levels: The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, in collaboration with other government departments initiated a campaign to prevent the resurgence of poverty and enhance employment prospects. The objective is to provide continued employment support for individuals who have been lifted out of poverty and ensure the stability of their income, preventing any return to poverty due to unemployment. The campaign outlines seven key tasks. These include expanding labour cooperation across regions, supporting the growth of employment assistance workshops, encouraging job-relief programs, utilizing rural public welfare positions, enhancing employment security measures, aiding young individuals from impoverished backgrounds in finding jobs, and offering preferential support to specific areas, especially those related to rural revitalization and resettlement. This initiative seeks to sustain the progress made in poverty alleviation by focusing on employment opportunities and income stability for those who have emerged from poverty.

  • Chinese and Burmese police crackdown on cybercrimes in joint operation: The Chinese Ministry of Public Security, in cooperation with the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department, conducted a joint operation with border police in northern Myanmar. They successfully dismantled 11 telecom network fraud dens and apprehended 269 suspects involved in telecom fraud. Among those arrested, 186 are Chinese, 66 are Burmese, 15 are Vietnamese, and 2 are Malaysian. The detainees include 21 key figures, including organizers, financiers, and leaders, as well as 13 online fugitives. The operation also led to the capture of a fugitive involved in a murder case who had been on the run for 19 years. Numerous equipment such as computers, mobile phones, and bank cards were confiscated. The suspects apprehended have been associated with over 1,100 telecommunications fraud cases in China, with the total amount involved exceeding 120 million yuan. The Ministry pledged to continue cracking down on telecom fraud, protect people's safety and rights, and cooperate with relevant departments to enhance law enforcement efforts.

  • Recovery fund allocated to support typhoon-hit provinces: The Ministry of Finance announced that it has allocated 200 million yuan to the regions affected by typhoons and floods. The fund is aimed to support the provinces of Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangxi and Hainan and will be directed towards the relocation of residents, repair of damaged houses and other initiatives. The ministry has instructed provincial-level financial authorities to allocate funds in a timely manner. Meanwhile, the China Meteorological Administration warned on Tuesday that another tropical cyclone is expected to hit the southern or southeastern coast, which would lead to heavy rain and storm.


  • Alcohol-flavoured coffee drink divides Chinese social media: The collaboration between popular coffee chain Luckin Coffee and state-owned beverage company Kweichow Moutai has evoked strong responses on social media. The coffee chain launched a latte with a flavour of baijiu, a colourless Chinese liquor, on Monday. Ever since the launch, more than 5.42 million cups of the new drink were sold in a day. Reaction to the new drink has been polarising, with some saying that it makes them want to vomit. One post on Weibo read that the user would not dare to try the drink out of fear of being drunk. While some users have expressed their appreciation for the unique product, some posts have also put out warnings about consuming the alcohol-flavoured latte.



  • The decision of the Chinese Ministry of Human Resources to adopt initiatives to prevent a resurgence of poverty indicates the government's intent to maintain levels of poverty alleviation by granting employment and ensuring economic stability.

    The latest data on poverty in India is the National Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), which was released by NITI Aayog. The MPI reported that nearly 135 million people were lifted out of multidimensional poverty in the five years between 2015-16 and 2019-2021. According to the report, there was a significant reduction in multidimensional poverty in rural areas, which witnessed a decline from 32.59 percent to 19.28 percent in the five-year period. MPI in India is calculated by measuring three equally weighted dimensions: health, education, and the standard of living, represented by 12 indicators. In the report, NITI Aayog attributes the reduction of MPI levels to the government's targeted policies, schemes, and development programmes. Schemes and initiatives such as the Jal Jeevan Mission, Poshan Abhiyan, and other similar programmes have been implemented to ensure positive action is directed towards key areas such as education, access to potable water, electricity, cooking fuel, etc. While government data suggest that a large section of the population is being lifted out of poverty, keeping them out of it in the long term is the more formidable challenge for central and state governments. It is pertinent that poverty alleviation schemes percolate to those at the grassroots who need them. Moreover, progress achieved in poverty alleviation will have to be maintained by assuring employment opportunities and a stable income.

Prepared By

Prejomon Sunny Chummar holds a Master's degree in International and Area Studies from MMAJ Academy of International Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, with a Bachelor's degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from EFLU Shillong. His interests revolve around the intersection of cinema, culture, and politics, including the intricate dynamics of soft power politics. Additionally, his scholarly interests encompass the rich histories and cultures of China, Russia and Central Asia. With a keen passion for cinema and literature, he is an ardent cinephile and devoted reader.

CiCM 5th September 2023

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