• China set to launch strategies to strengthen its modern technological base:  China has unveiled ambitious plans to bolster its technological capabilities, particularly in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing, and big data. These initiatives are part of a broader strategy to achieve self-sufficiency in technology and reduce reliance on foreign suppliers, a goal that has become more pressing amid trade tensions with the United States. In a government work report submitted to the national legislature, the People’s Congress China outlined its intention to launch an AI Plus initiative, which aims to integrate AI technology into various sectors of the economy. This initiative is seen as a key driver of innovation and economic growth, as AI has the potential to revolutionize industries such as healthcare, transportation, and manufacturing. In addition to AI, China plans to formulate development plans for emerging industries such as quantum computing. Therefore, by reducing dependence on foreign suppliers and achieving self-sufficiency, Beijing also aims at taking measures to improving its national security alongside technological prowess.

  • Membership qualifications of four key political advisors revoked by the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference: The Fifth Session of the Standing Committee of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) has decided to revoke the membership qualifications of Wu Yansheng, Liu Shiquan, Wang Changqing, and Wang Xiaojun, as reported by China Central Television. This decision was approved during the committee's session in Beijing, follows the previous approval on December 27, 2023, at the 12th Chairperson's Council meeting of the 14th National Committee of the CPPCC. Wu Yansheng, formerly Chairman and Party Secretary of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC),a member of the Communist Party of China (CPC) since 1994,  Liu Shiquan, former Chairman and Party Secretary of China North Industries Group Corporation Limited, a CPC member since 1985, Wang Changqing, a senior executive at China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) and Wang Xiaojun, a CPC member, and director of the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology under CASC since 2019 were among the key political advisors of Beijing. Amidst the series of resignations from top political posts earlier this week, the membership terminations of the advisors further boils in serious questions and speculations regarding the functioning of the party-state system.

  • The Chinese government to launch “ultra-long” special bonds worth 1 trillion Yuan for economic development: China has set a growth target of "around 5%" for 2024 and announced the issuance of "ultra-long" special bonds for major developmental projects. The government plans to issue these bonds over the next several years to implement national strategies and enhance security capacity in key areas, starting with 1 trillion Yuan this year. Additionally, 3.9 trillion Yuan of special-purpose bonds for local governments will be issued, which is 100 billion Yuan more than the last year. In terms of economic targets, China aims to create 12 million new urban jobs, and an increase in the consumer price index increase of around 3%. Bruce Pang, chief economist for the property consultancy JLL (Jones Lang Laselle), noted that the issuance of ultra-long special treasury bonds on a trial basis is part of a trend of moderately increasing leverage of the central government. This move aims to ensure flexibility and better support the country's long-term and major strategic planning, as well as the construction of key areas and large-scale infrastructure projects.
  • Chinese Researchers launches the Open-Sora Plan to create its own AI Video generation Model: A team of researchers from Peking University and the Shenzhen-based AI Company Rabbitpre are embarking on a new project to develop China’s own version of Open AI’s text-to-video model, Sora. The initiative known as the Open-Sora Plan was launched on 1st March, with the goal of reproducing Open AI’s video generation model. The project plans on creating a “simple and scalable” version of Sora with the help of the open source community. The open-Sora plan is spearheaded by the “Rabbitpre AIGC Joint Lab”, collaboration between Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School and Rabbitpre, established on June 2023. The joint lab focuses on AI-produced content research and has already developed a three-part framework. It has also showcased four demos of reconstructed videos in various resolutions and aspect ratios ranging from three to twenty-four seconds. The upcoming tasks of the team include nourishing the technology to generate higher resolution videos and training the model with more data and graphics processing unit (GPUs). The launch of Open-Sora marks another milestone in china’s growing interest and investment in generative AI technologies following the global buzz created by Open-AI’s ChatGPT in late 2023.

  • China develops its New Ornithopter, “Falcon”: China has unveiled a ground-breaking achievement in aviation with the development of the Small Falcon Ornithopter, a bird-like aircraft. Developed by a research team at the North-western Polytechnical University in Xi'an, this small aircraft has immense potential for both military and civilian applications. The Small Falcon, resembling the size of a bird, mimics the flight patterns of birds through a new cone crank mechanism. It can fold its wings while flapping, adjust flapping speed, fold only one wing in flight, and even lock its wings to perform glides. These capabilities are optimized through Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) which enhances flight efficiency and manoeuvrability. The aircraft's biomimetic design makes it difficult to distinguish from a real bird, particularly when flying at higher altitudes. This feature is advantageous for reconnaissance, surveillance, and precision strike missions, especially in special operations scenarios. Experts also highlight its potential for ecological monitoring, and environmental protection. The development of the Small Falcon Ornithopter represents a significant advancement in aviation technology, showcasing China's expertise in aircraft bionics.


  • Policy aimed at reforming the Traditional marriage custom sparks widespread response on social media: A new policy introduced by a local authority in China aimed at reforming the traditional marriage custom has sparked significant discussion on Chinese social media platforms. Chongyi County in Jiangxi province launched an incentive scheme for newlywed families, limiting the bride price at 39,000 Yuan (US$5,400). In return, families are offered top priority in choosing schools for their children and various other benefits. The policy is designed to prevent families from spending large sums of money on bride prices, in return of benefits such as preference in enrolling children in local schools and kindergartens, a free physical examination at local hospitals, access to local tourist attractions, and a free bus pass for a year. The initiative has triggered widespread discussion, with a news story on the subject garnering 134,000 comments on Douyin, a popular social media platform. While some online observers praised the policy as "very human," others expressed concerns. One father mentioned that his annual expenses for his daughter exceeded the 39,000 Yuan, while a mother expressed concerns about her daughter's well-being if her husband couldn't afford the customary 100,000 Yuan bride price.


  • With the geopolitics of technology increasing rapidly, countries have focused largely on developing its artificial intelligence capacities for both strengthening its global as well as domestic affairs. Recently, the Chinese government informed the public on its plans to launch an AI Plus initiative, which would amalgamate AI technology into various sectors of the economy, ranging from healthcare and transportation to manufacturing. With China rapidly galloping in the AI race to match up with the USA, India too has made considerable achievements in the field of developing its artificial intelligence. Within India’s technological ecosystem there has been widening appreciations for domestic and self-sufficient initiatives. For instance, the domestically produced AI, “ANUVADINI”, a voice and documentation tool, ANUVADINI consists of multiple functions that seek to close down the language barrier that engulfs the education system in India and has been programmed to support the translation of 22 regional Indian and several other foreign languages. However, on the other hand, certain regulatory measures by the government have also raised a series of discontent among the tech-world. This arrives at the backdrop of a recent advice by the government to generative artificial intelligence (AI) companies which needed them to seek permission from the government before deploying AI systems. Although, it was later clarified on the part of the ministry that this regulation applies only to big companies, who often become useful for harmful activities through its interfaces and not to the Start-ups, the discontent was soon seen among various AI companies. Nonetheless, New Delhi had always been an ardent patron for a strong entrepreneurial base development in India and plans to intensify the same in the field of artificial intelligence.  Thus, with India moving rapidly towards achieving self-sufficiency in AI development, the country entails tremendous opportunities or New Delhi domestically as well as in the international arena.

Prepared By

Agniva Ray is an M.A, 2nd year, 4th semester student pursuing Political Science with International Relations in the Department of International Relations, Jadavpur University. He holds a deep interest in Socio-economic (Non-Traditional Security) as well as Traditional security issues concerning South Asia and aims to pursue research work in this very field.

CiCM 4th March 2024

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