• High-Level Inter-Provincial Delegations Initiate Study Tours to Enhance Regional Cooperation: The Beijing Municipal Party and Government delegation embarked on a study tour to Anhui Province from April 10 to 11, as part of inter-provincial inspections aimed at fostering regional cooperation and implementing key national directives. Led by Yin Li, Secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, the delegation's itinerary included visits to prominent sites such as the Xinqiao Intelligent Electric Vehicle Industrial Park and the Institute of Quantum Information and Quantum Technology Innovation. During the exchange symposium between Beijing and Anhui, Yin Li emphasized the importance of learning from Anhui's experiences in strategic development, industrial innovation, and business environment optimization. He urged both regions to strengthen collaboration in areas like technological research, industrial clustering, and urban renewal. Han Jun, Secretary of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee, expressed optimism about enhanced cooperation between Beijing and Anhui, highlighting their shared potential in various developmental spheres. At the same time, a delegation from Hunan went to Shanghai, Hainan and Anhui for a similar study and inspection session, which lasted 3 days. Similalrly, a delegation from Xinjiang visited Sichuan for this year’s study tour.

  • State Administration Proposes "Anti-Insurance Fraud Measures" Draft for Public Comment: The State Administration of Financial Supervision has unveiled a comprehensive set of measures aimed at combating the escalating threat of insurance fraud. Titled the "Anti-Insurance Fraud Work Measures (Draft for Comment)," the initiative seeks to fortify consumer protection and ensure the integrity of the insurance industry. The draft, comprising 6 chapters and 37 articles, addresses the evolving nature of fraudulent schemes, which increasingly involve organized crime, technological sophistication, and span multiple jurisdictions. Central to the proposed measures is the establishment of a robust supervisory framework with a clear delineation of responsibilities for regulatory bodies and insurance institutions, ensuring accountability and effective oversight. Moreover, the draft underscores the pivotal role of technology in fraud prevention, advocating the integration of big data analytics and technological solutions to bolster detection and deterrence efforts. Consumer protection features prominently in the proposed measures with provisions outlined to enhance consumer awareness, streamline complaint mechanisms, and ensure fair treatment in insurance transactions. The draft emphasizes partnerships with law enforcement, government agencies, and industry stakeholders to facilitate information sharing, enforcement actions, and coordinated responses to fraudulent activities.

  • Chinese Delegation Visits North Korea for "China-North Korea Friendship Year" Opening Ceremony: Zhao Leji, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, led a Chinese party and government delegation on an official goodwill visit to North Korea. The visit, taking place from April 11 to 13, is at the invitation of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea and the government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The highlight of the visit is the opening ceremony of the "China-North Korea Friendship Year". This event is significant as it marks the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The Friendship Year, announced at the beginning of the year by the top leaders of both parties, aims to strengthen the enduring friendship and cooperation between China and North Korea. The commemorative logo for the Friendship Year, unveiled earlier by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, features symbolic elements from both countries, emphasizing the longstanding bond between them. Experts view this visit as a testament to the deep-rooted friendship and the commitment of both nations to further strengthen bilateral ties.

  • Spring Recruitment Market Shows Steady Growth, Fueled by Service Consumption and Emerging Industries: Data from the National Human Resources Market Information Monitoring Center reveal a steady surge in spring recruitment market demand across China. With over 36,000 recruitment activities and 29 million positions posted nationwide, various industries are witnessing heightened recruitment activities, especially in service consumption and emerging sectors. The burgeoning service consumption sector driven by “holiday economy” and “ internet celebrity cities” have emerged as major drivers of employment growth. Retail sales of services surged by 12.3% year-on-year, outpacing goods sales by 7.7 percentage points, creating a surge in demand for front-line jobs. Moreover, emerging industries like new energy vehicles and digital technology are experiencing a talent war. Recruitment demand in the automotive industry chain surged by 32%, with technical positions leading the hiring trend. In the digital realm, the rise of artificial intelligence and digital transformation has spurred demand for talents in natural language processing and image algorithms, with recruitment positions increasing by over 300%. As China accelerates its industrial transformation, the recruitment landscape reflects the growing importance of consumption demand, service-oriented sectors and emerging technologies in driving employment and economic growth.

  • China Urges Canada to Abandon Ideological Bias Amid Accusations of Electoral Interference: In response to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's accusations of Chinese interference in Canadian elections, the Chinese embassy in Canada has urged Canada to "respect the facts" and "abandon ideological biases." A spokesperson from the embassy expressed China's firm opposition to Trudeau's remarks, emphasizing China's longstanding policy of non-interference in other nations' internal affairs. The spokesperson denounced the Canadian public inquiry on "foreign interference," labelling it a "political farce" targeting China. They criticized the lack of substantial evidence in testimonies, dismissing terms like "highly likely" and "probable" as insufficient. Furthermore, the spokesperson highlighted Canada's history of provoking China on sensitive issues like Taiwan, Xinjiang, and Hong Kong, while alleging Canadian support for anti-China separatist activities. They pointed to reports of Canadian security agencies surveilling Chinese diplomatic missions and personnel in Canada, suggesting Canada's own interference in China’s affairs.

  • China Launches First National Supercomputing Internet Platform: China has inaugurated its inaugural national supercomputing internet platform, marking a significant stride in bolstering the nation's prowess in advanced computing. The initiative, aimed at fostering collaboration and innovation, intertwines computing centers and technical service providers across the country. The platform's establishment is a response to China's escalating demand for computing power, driven by advancements in artificial intelligence and other technologies. By integrating powerful computing resources, the network aims to expedite data transmission and facilitate collaborative research endeavors. According to reports, the platform's initial phase encompasses over 10 computing centers and 200 technical service providers. Experts foresee profound implications, including heightened support for AI-related industries and bolstered competitiveness in the global arena. Experts anticipate that this initiative will further fortify China’s position in the domain of supercomputing, particularly in AI technology. The move aligns with China's broader digital development strategy, aimed at enhancing infrastructure and fostering digital innovation by 2025.

  • Hong Kong Independence Party President Sentenced to Five Years for Inciting Secession: Joseph John, president of the now-dissolved Hong Kong Independence Party, has been handed a five-year prison sentence for his role in inciting secession through online posts advocating for the city's independence. District Court Judge Ernest Lin Kam-hung criticized John for distorting history and demonizing the Chinese government, sentencing him for conspiring to incite secession by advocating ideas such as abolishing the Sino-British Joint Declaration. The court heard that John, a UK resident of Portuguese nationality, denied creating or publishing the posts, but evidence revealed his access to the party's social media accounts and his role as its president. Thirty-five of the incendiary posts were made after the implementation of the Beijing-enforced national security law in June 2020. Lin emphasized the severity of the case, acknowledging its planned nature and potential impact under the national security law. Despite initially facing a 78-month sentence, John's term was reduced to the minimum of five years due to his guilty plea. The sentencing occurred amidst heightened concerns over Beijing's crackdown on dissent in Hong Kong.


  • Woman's Extreme Cancer "Starvation" Attempt Sparks Concerns: The story of a woman, identified only as Xu, who underwent a drastic weight loss regimen in hopes of “starving” her cancer, has stirred discussions across mainland social media. Following successful stomach cancer surgery, Xu embarked on an extreme diet, drastically restricting her food intake to just rice and vegetables, fearing that a nutritious diet would nourish cancer cells. Concerned by her alarming weight loss to 43kg with a BMI of 16.3, Xu's daughter intervened, prompting medical attention in Zhejiang province. Dr.Ye Wenfeng from Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center cautioned against such measures, stressing that cancer patients require adequate nutrition for recovery. Xu's actions reflect lingering folk beliefs in China regarding diet and cancer risk, despite medical consensus. While traditional Chinese medicine advises against certain foods like lamb and spicy dishes, doctors advocate for balanced, nutrient-rich diets to support patients through treatment. Xu's case underscores the importance of evidence-based medical advice and dispelling misconceptions about cancer and nutrition.


  • Chinese news agency Global Times covered Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recent remarks on the border situation between India and China. The report detailed the views of several Chinese experts on the India-China border issue and also included comments made by India’s External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar and Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Mao Ning.

    The news coverage, which was promoted across various agencies in China, reflects a cautious optimism regarding the Indian Prime Minister’s call for normalcy in bilateral relations between India and China. While welcoming the positive remarks, the report also advocates for vigilance and emphasizes the importance of closely monitoring India's actions. One expert quoted in the report claims that India has a historical tendency to use border disputes as “leverage" and Modi's statements may be influenced by the upcoming elections in India. Other experts quoted in the article claimed that the remarks were an adjustment of India’s previously “aggressive stance” and were made to a US media outlet in order to project India as a major power.

    While there is a difference in the language used by the Indian PM and the more assertive stance taken by External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar, S. Jaishankar’s statements have routinely been condemned by Chinese media. The portrayal of Jaishankar's remarks as erroneous and provocative furthers China’s state-sponsored narrative of Indian inconsistency and belligerence, while making no attempts to take any responsibility for the situation at the border. The coverage also mentions the diplomatic efforts between China and India to address border issues, such as the recent meeting of the Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination on India-China Border Affairs (WMCC). However, this positive development is once again juxtaposed with Jaishankar's statements, which are portrayed as undermining the progress made in bilateral talks. Experts in the report advocated for China to welcome India’s remarks and also make military preparations along the border, revealing China’s counterproductive approach to negotiations.

Prepared By

Aliza Mehdi is a final year student of Political Science at Indraprastha College for Women. Her academic areas of interest include Comparative Politics, Conflict Studies, Developmental Economics and Film and Television Studies, and is currently working as an Associate (Training and Development) at Pratarka - an education startup specialising in soft-skill development and pedagogical research for students. She is interested in politics, policy, design and writing, and is an active member of the DU varsity debating circuit.

CiCM 11th April 2024

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