• US Companies added to Unreliable Entities List by China’s Ministry of Commerce: China’s Ministry of Commerce added three US companies to its Unreliable Entities List under the “Provisions on Unreliable Entity List” from 2020. They join Lockheed Martin Cooperation and Raytheon Missiles and Defence on this list. General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, General Dynamics Land Systems, and Boeing Defence, Space and Security are the firms now subjected to measures against their operations in China.  In its announcement, the Ministry of Commerce prohibits these companies from engaging in imports, exports, and investments in China. Additionally, senior management from these companies are barred from entering China, and their work permits have been cancelled. Finally, the Ministry imposed a fine on these three firms that is two times the amount of the arms sales. They must pay this fine within the next two weeks to avoid further measures. The reasoning behind these measures, as provided by the Ministry, is to “to safeguard China's national sovereignty, security and development interests.” This announcement comes in the wake of reported sales of arms by these companies to Taiwan.

  • New Talent Introduction Plan in Macao: The government in Macao (Special Administrative Region) has announced a new phase of the talent development plan under its Talent Recruitment System. In March 2024, the government, in a bid to accumulate greater talent, is introducing this new phase after streamlining and improving the application process. This is to help the Macao government create a comprehensive database of talents within Macao. This database will prove a useful link between individuals with employee seeking firms in the future to help the Macao government create a comprehensive database of talents within Macao. This database will prove a useful link between individuals with employee seeking firms in the future. Applications open on May 21, 2024 and close on November 20, 2024.

  • Introduction of Scheme to Improve Construction Safety: Hong Kong’s Development Bureau and Construction Industry Council introduced a new scheme to increase safety levels on construction sites. This scheme promotes the use of the “Smart Site Safety System”, which generates alerts for safety hazards. Sites that successfully integrate this technology will receive a label from the Department, making it easier for inspection officials to determine which sites to scrutinise in greater detail. The list of companies that have already received the label will be made available publicly, which is intended to pressurise non-conforming firms to also implement the Smart Site Safety System. Applications for this label open on 20 May 2024, and the Department aims to distribute the first 100 labels by July. This measure has been taken in the wake of rising number of construction-related injuries and fatalities in Hong Kong.

  • Attack on an Elementary School in Jiangxi: Mingde Elementary School in Guixi, Jiangxi witnessed a knife attack which resulted in the death of two people and left 10 more injured. The incident occurred in the town of Wenfang where the crime scene is currently sealed and under investigation by local authorities. The injured are reportedly being treated at Guixi People’s Hospital, a nearby medical facility. Blood donation centres have been set up to facilitate the treatment of the injured, with many donors flocking to contribute.  The current suspect is a 45-year-old woman, Ms. Pan, who is currently under police containment. Although her motives are unclear, investigation by the Guixi Criminal Investigation Team is underway. The incident also trended heavily on Chinese social media. Citizens expressed their shock and outrage and made calls to tighten security measure at schools with emotionally charged posts.

  • Launch of Rocket Carrying Beijing-3C Successful: China’s Long March 2D carrier rocket was successfully launched into orbit from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Centre. This rocket carried four artificial satellites for Twenty First Century Aerospace Technology Co. Ltd. These are a part of the Beijing 3 constellation; they will join their predecessors Beijing 3A and Beijing 3B in a bid to obtain high resolution imaging data. While the rocket was designed by Shanghai Aerospace, the satellite was developed by Aerospace Dongfanghong Satellite Co., Ltd. The Shanghai Eighth Academy of Space Sciences rated the launch with four stars. Furthermore, the satellite is designed to enable high resolution photography with applications in resource management, agricultural surveys, urban planning etc. Its carrier rocket was the Long March 2D, the launch of which marked its 523rd flight.


  • Harsh Reactions to Taiwanese Leader’s Statements: Chinese social media saw a major debate spark after Taiwanese leaders and a spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council made strong statements revolving around Taiwan’s independence. Taiwan’s newest incumbent leader asserted Taiwan’s independent state in his inaugural speech which garnered a forceful response from the Chinese government. This matter trended heavily on Chinese social media. Many users reiterated the spokesperson’s ideas of a united China while citing historical basis, and international agreements. The new leader, William Lai, face heavy criticism and backlash for their statements. Several opinions were expressed pertaining to the matter of military exercises and planning regarding the preserving of national sovereignty of China. The matter was so intensely debated, Weibo, a Chinese social media platform banned the hashtags carrying William Lai’s name. This is not a novel occurrence; a similar ban had been imposed during Taiwan’s elections earlier this year.


Indian Warship Movement in the South China Sea: The South China Morning Post released an article reporting movement of Indian Naval vessels in the South China Sea. The Indian Nay sent three warships, including a guided missile destroyer (INS Delhi), a fleet tanker (INS Shakti), and a submarine hunter (INS Kiltan). India and the Philippines are reported to engage in joint maritime exercises, an act that comes in the middle of rising tensions between Philippines and China, and German dispatches of warships in the region. The tensions between the Philippines and China have been rapidly escalating over the dispute over Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea. In addition, the Philippines and India have routine visits of the Indian Coast Guard and regular personnel training sessions. The South China Morning Post further commented upon India’s growing acceptance amongst the Southeast Asian community with its “Act East” policy. China claims most of the seas for itself while other countries have their own claims. India’s move is seen as strategic in nature intended to counter increasing Chinese activities in the region while remaining in accordance with international maritime norms.


Prepared By

Akshata is an undergraduate student majoring in International Studies at FLAME University. Her primary interests lie in research and cultural perspectives in politics.

CiCM 20th May 2024

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