• In China, local education authorities have released the results of this year's gaokao, the national college entrance exam. Provinces including Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Shanghai, and Inner Mongolia are among the first to announce the results. With a record-breaking 12.91 million students taking the exam, gaokao scores hold immense importance in determining university admissions and future careers. The Ministry of Education emphasizes strict regulation of result releases, implementation of enrolment policies, and social supervision. In Jiangxi, live broadcasts are organized to guide candidates in selecting their college preferences. In a remarkable story, Lang Zheng, known as the "Salute Boy" from the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, achieved a high gaokao score of 637, ranking him among the top 30 liberal arts exam takers in Sichuan. Lang, who has received invitations from prestigious universities like Peking University and Renmin University of China, expressed surprise and a desire to serve the people in his future career.    

  • Chinese Premier Li Qiang expressed China's commitment to further develop the all-weather strategic partnership with Pakistan and build a closer China-Pakistan community of shared future during his meeting with Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif. Li emphasised China's readiness to strengthen cooperation with Pakistan in promoting the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and advance major projects under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to contribute to the economic and social development of both countries. Li assured China's steadfast support for Pakistan's sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity, while also urging Pakistan to crack down on domestic terrorist organisations and ensure the safety of Chinese institutions and personnel. Shehbaz Sharif affirmed the unbreakable friendship between the two nations and Pakistan's commitment to supporting China's interests in multilateral affairs. It is the consensus of various Pakistani political parties and all walks of life to consolidate the friendship between Pakistan and China, Sharif said.  

  • The 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China was concluded and marked a significant milestone in the organization's history. With the election of a new Central Committee, consisting of 170 full members and 129 alternate members, the congress aimed to shape the future direction of the Youth League. The resolution adopted during the congress emphasized the League's achievements under the leadership of Xi Jinping and outlined its mission in the new era. It highlighted the importance of adhering to Xi Jinping Thought, implementing the spirit of the 20th National Party Congress of the Communist Party of China, and serving the growth and development of youth. The meeting further outlined key priorities, including serving youth development, strengthening the patriotic united front and contributing to global cooperation. The Youth League's reform agenda was highlighted as well, with a focus on maintaining political, advanced and mass nature, while adapting to modern governance requirements. Amendments were made to the League's constitution to recognize the central leadership of Xi Jinping and his Thought. The congress concluded with a resolute call for unity and dedication to building a strong nation and achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  • The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in China has issued the "Notice on Effectively Doing a Good Job in Summer Aquaculture Production", emphasizing collaboration with meteorological and water conservancy departments to monitor and analyse the impact of disastrous weather on aquaculture production and provide timely warnings. Also standardising aquaculture production practices, including the protection of important aquaculture areas, registration of aquaculture certification, and law enforcement supervision, are highlighted to support the supply of aquatic products. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs revealed that wheat harvesting is underway, with over 99% progress in nine provinces. During the "Three Summers" period, over 600,000 combine harvesters, accompanied by more than 800,000 agricultural machinery operators, and supported by over 6,100 emergency operation service teams, are actively engaged in the forefront of wheat harvesting across the country. The progress of summer sowing has been faster than last year, despite initial delays caused by rainy weather. Additionally, the Ministry of Water Resources and the China Meteorological Administration issued warnings for mountain torrent and flash flood disasters from the 23rd to the 24th, urging preventive measures in affected areas.

  • ATRenew, the operator of China's largest trading platform for pre-owned electronics, is strategically positioning itself to capitalise on the growing resale market and the Chinese government's emphasis on a circular economy. Jeremy Ji, director of corporate development and investor relations, stated that with increasing consumer awareness in China, ATRenew plans to expand AHS Recycle (known as AiHuiShou) into other sectors, such as clothing, luxury goods, and products made from recycled waste. Ji emphasised that consumers are reducing spending due to current economic conditions, making reuse and trade-ins more appealing. The company witnessed a significant rise in consumer electronics trade-ins on its platform and the recent midyear 618 shopping festival on, where trade-ins doubled. The Chinese government's promotion of a circular economy aligns with ATRenew's goals, as the domestic second-hand consumer market is projected to surpass 3 trillion yuan by 2025. ATRenew's revenue for Q1 2023 reached 2.87 billion yuan, with net profit at a record 44.4 million yuan. ATRenew aims to leverage its extensive network of stores and self-service recycling facilities to offer consumers a comprehensive trade-in experience for pre-owned electronic products. While China's circular economy is still developing compared to mature markets, there is significant potential for growth in the pre-owned trading market.


  • Chinese tourist's sexual assault in Maldives sparks social-media outrage: A Chinese woman's harrowing account of being sexually assaulted by a butler at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in the Maldives has gone viral on Chinese social media. The 26-year-old Chinese citizen alleges that she was raped by a hotel staff member in her room. The incident gained widespread attention on Weibo, with the related hashtag “Victim of Alleged Sexual Assault Warns Girls to Be Cautious When Traveling Alone” #自曝被性侵女子提醒女生谨慎独自出国# receiving over 390 million views. The victim shared her story on Twitter, detailing how the butler engaged in inappropriate behaviour and sexually assaulted her. She reported the incident to the hotel management, who failed to take appropriate action. The victim has since returned home and is reportedly dealing with severe depression. The Maldives Police have issued a statement acknowledging the case and an investigation is underway. The Ritz-Carlton's Asian regional representatives have apologised to the victim. The Chinese Embassy in Maldives is also engaged in the case, urging a thorough investigation. However, no arrest has been made yet. The incident has reignited concerns about the safety of Chinese women travelling abroad, with many expressing fears that crimes against them may not be adequately addressed or resolved.


  • The statements made by Chinese Premier Li Qiang and Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif regarding the deepening China-Pakistan “all-weather strategic cooperative partnership” and their commitment to various projects during their meeting have important implications for India. The leaders’ emphasis on the continued development of the China-Pakistan strategic partnership, particularly through the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), raises concerns for India. India considers the CPEC a violation of its territorial integrity, as it passes through the Pakistan-administered territory of Jammu and Kashmir, which India claims as its own. India has consistently expressed objections to the project, viewing it as an infringement of its sovereignty.Moreover, the strengthening of economic ties between China and Pakistan, the example of which is the $4.8 billion deal for a nuclear power plant, has implications for the balance of power in the region. India has been wary of China's increasing economic and military presence in neighbouring countries, perceiving it as a potential encirclement strategy. The close partnership between China and Pakistan, particularly in sectors like energy and infrastructure, may give Pakistan an economic advantage and enhance its strategic capabilities, which could impact the balance of power in the region and India's security interests. So far, India has been cautious in aligning itself with anti-China initiatives or alliances, opting for a more balanced approach. However, Pakistan's  alignment with China in international forums may complicate India's efforts to maintain a delicate balance between its relationship with China and its strategic partnerships with other countries.Furthermore, China's support for Pakistan's territorial integrity and commitment to its stability, development, and prosperity could embolden Pakistan in its disputes with India, particularly regarding issues like Jammu and Kashmir and the Indus water treaty. This alignment challenges India's efforts to resolve conflicts and establish peaceful relations with Pakistan. As China and Pakistan deepen their cooperation, India must adopt a multi-pronged approach, further engage in diplomatic dialogue, strengthen regional alliances, promote strategic connectivity initiatives and actively participate in multilateral forums to address the implications of the China-Pakistan partnership and safeguard its security interests in the region.

Prepared By

Ramyani Kundu is an Undergraduate student from Shiv Nadar IoE, pursuing a B.A.(Research) English with a Minor in International Relations. Her research interests include understanding the role of narratives in geopolitical relations and foreign policy's of nation-states. She further posits interest in South/East Asian literature and Continental philosophy

CiCM 23rd June 2023

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