Harshita Khaund is a Masters student of International Affairs from O.P. Jindal Global University. Previously, she has undertaken her bachelors in Political Science from Indraprastha College for Women, University of Delhi. She has a keen interest in security studies, international economy, and conflict and peace studies.

Harshita Khaund
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CiCM 30th April 2024

Chinese Coast Guard expels Philippines ship from Chinese waters, Former Chinese Vice-Minister of Justice under investigation, Shenzhou-17 spaceship mission marks successful landing in Northern China

Harshita Khaund
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CiCM 29th April 2024

China confirms Xi Jinping’s visit to EU countries, China commemorates 120th birth anniversary of late senior CPC leader, Chinese Navy’s first batch of female carrier-based aircraft pilots complete their first solo flight, Air China’s mega-purchase of C919 boosts homegrown industry, Extreme weather conditions prevail throughout the Eastern coast

Harshita Khaund
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CiCM 26th April 2024

Emergence of a Five-Point consensus between U.S. and China during Wang-Blinken meeting, China’s Standing Committee concludes its session in Beijing, China eyes significant breakthrough in food security through cloned soybeans, Suzhou city garners global biz attention through the signing of 367 new projects, Chengdu city goes green through International Horticultural Expo,

Harshita Khaund
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CiCM 24th April 2024

Chinese company ByteDance to face potential ban in the United States, Preparations proceed in full swing for launching of Shenzhou-18, Former Shanghai legislator and propaganda chief of the CCP charged with bribery


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