• China’s next lunar probe Chang’e-6, which is scheduled to be launched in 2024, is reported to carry payloads from the European Space Agency and the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, the French space agency. This joint effort is a result of the two Memorandums of Understanding signed last week between the China National Space Administration and the European and French space agencies. The China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. revealed that these planned payloads consist of two scientific instruments, a negative ion analyzer for research on planetary science and a detector to measure radon gas and its decay products. These equipments will be a key component in Chang’e-6 mission to complete a sample return task and if succeeded, it will be the first time for humankind to receive samples from the far side of the moon.

  • China welcomed another foreign head of state this week, following the arrival of the Honduran President last week. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas arrived in Beijing on 13th June for a four-day visit. Wang Wenbin, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson stated that China is ready to take the China-Palestine ties to a new height and further cooperation in numerous fields. The countries will also mark the 35th anniversary of their diplomatic relations this year. Since the first round of negotiations on a free trade zone between the two countries in 2019, bilateral trade has seen a year-on-year increase of 23.2 percent.

  • The General Administration of Customs (GAC) launched 16 initiatives to boost foreign trade and generate solutions for struggling enterprises through a press briefing held on 13th June. Last year, GAC had set in motion 23 measures to support and stabilise foreign trade and through this next step of introducing these 16 new initiatives, the GAC aims to reinforce feedback policies and supporting measures at local customs offices. According to GAC, many efforts have been directed towards improving the efficiency of cross-border logistics and import of high-tech equipment to enhance the overall business environment of the country.

  • Two important agreements were signed between Chinese and Polish companies on 13th June to promote the trade ties between China and Poland. The China Minmetals Corporation signed an agreement with Poland’s metallurgical company KGHM on electrolytic copper procurement for the next four years 2024-2028. The second agreement was signed between the China National Agricultural Development Group Co. Ltd. and Poland’s Kaskat Dairy. The high-quality Polish products can gain benefits from the rapid growth of China’s market and uplift the trade relations between the two countries.

  • Tian’anmen Rostrum has reopened to the public and the high enthusiasm of people to visit the significant historic symbol can be seen through the already sold out tickets for the entire week. Tian’anmen Rostrum was closed for visits due to construction and maintenance work that began in 2018 and has finally been completed. The management authority of Tian’anmen Rostrum announced its reopening and the sale of tickets through their official WeChat account. The site is particularly important to China’s history as Chairman Mao Zedong had announced the founding of the People’s Republic at Tian’anmen Rostrum on October 1st, 1949 and later it was officially made open to public visits in 1988. The Drum Tower and Bell Tower, built in 1272 are also reported to be reopened to the public on Friday.

  • Tsakhalho, located at the junction of the provinces of Sichuan and Tunnan and the Tibet autonomous region, has a long withstanding history of salt production for at least 1,300 years. At a recent conference held by the city officials, it was announced that the traditional craft of salt production in Tsakhalho township of Chamdo is now under protection of legislation which took effect on 1st June. The regulation consists of not only the protection, management and proper utilisation of salt wells but also the promotion of legal responsibilities for the government in sustainable development of ancient salt fields. The deputy director of the city’s tourism development bureau, Zeng Qingquan stated that this step has laid a strong foundation for the development of scenic culture as well as tourism.


  • The detrimental effects of weight loss camps is debated online: A 22-year-old influencer who suffered from being overweight and had attracted followers through her journey of losing weight and coming down from 156 kilograms to 100 kilograms died on Sunday. Her nine-month journey at a weight loss camp in China’s Shaanxi province came to a tragic end and all her videos documenting her daily life at the camp were made inaccessible to the public. The rise in weight loss camps across China to battle the problem of obesity have sparked debate among people over safety concerns and the long-term impact of such camps. According to the Report on the Status of Nutrition and Chronic Diseases in China in 2020, the overweight and obesity rates among adults are at 34.3 and 16.4 percent. As a result, the weight loss camps have emerged with appealing promises of integrated nutritious meal plans and exercises but the growing cases of distress and deaths have caused public outcry and questions on accountability.


  • China has been making efforts to improve its business environment through several initiatives and reforms to stabilise the local business climate first in order to improve the overall atmosphere. The Chinese government not only has a strong hold over its reform agenda with a focused direction in which the policies are tailored to generate maximum profits, but it also has effective mechanisms to implement and monitor the progress of these policies. The key to the rapid success of China’s economy also lies in the environment built for development of the private sector and foreign investments. China has been fast in learning and absorbing the international practices and incorporating them. On the other hand, although India’s foreign trade has seen a positive growth in recent years, it needs to bring new reforms to create a unified national market as well as an advantageous business environment. India’s Fiscal Policy and the recent Foreign Trade Policy 2023 can bring about the expected change in tax cuts, cross-border exports and create efficiency in internal processes. The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) is also focusing on tailoring policies with emphasis on simplifying existing regulations and introducing advanced technology to increase efficiency. India is at a beneficial stage to further establish various sectors such as manufacturing, engineering and designing by bringing more effective reforms in its domestic as well as foreign business climate.

Prepared By

Aanchal Budhwar is currently pursuing her Masters degree in International Studies from Symbiosis School of International Studies in Pune with a specialisation in Asia Area Studies. She completed her Bachelors degree in English Honours from MCM DAV College, Chandigarh. She is an avid reader and is passionate about learning new languages. She is keen on learning about Asian culture and geopolitics and deciphering the strategic meaning behind the political, diplomatic, cultural, economic and social developments taking place in China and its impact beyond the borders.

CiCM 14 June 2023

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