• Xinjiang to get its first Free Trade Pilot Zone: The establishment of Xinjiang Free Trade Pilot Area, is a major decision made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council. The government hopes that the developments and construction in Xinjiang will be core of the Asia-Europe Golden Passage and the bridgehead which opens China to the west. The government aspires to speed up the transformation in the region by creating a superior business environment, construction of “digital government “by promoting digitization. Process of attaining operation licenses will be made easier. Low-carbon development will be promoted by implementing the enterprise environmental information disclosure system in accordance with law, explore and improve the environmental credit evaluation and restoration mechanism, and promote the construction of an environmental credit evaluation system. Facilitating investment liberalization will be the focus, by improving the foreign investment service guarantee mechanisms. It will provide greater authority to Xinjiang officials to make investor-friendly policies, especially from neighbouring countries in Central Asia. Xinjiang Production and Constructions Corps., a company sanctioned by the US, Canada and EU for human rights abuses, will be tasked to implement this free trade pilot zone project. Amidst the announcement of pilot project, Rights groups accused Beijing of abuses against Uyghurs, including the mass use of forced labour in internment camps.


  • In the latest bid for boosting births, Guangxi adds IVF to health insurance: After the National capital Beijing, Guangxi has become China’s second province to allocate government funds to reimburse medical bills for fertility services. Depending on their insurance, Guangxi residents could be eligible for 70 per cent of their medical bills reimbursed for assisted fertility technology treatments, and each treatment could be reimbursed up to two times. A number of natalist policies are introduced at local and central levels, but many experts point out that the key to boosting birth rates is increasing young people’s willingness to have a child and lowering the expenses of childbirth. China’s northeastern province of Liaoning is expected to follow the lead as its plan to cover fertility services under insurance was delayed. Beijing covers a total of 16 fertility services including IVF, embryo transplants and freezing eggs under the government-backed medical insurance scheme. It is also important to point out that these benefits do not include unmarried women which puts their reproductive rights into jeopardy, evident in the case of a Chinese woman denied the right to freeze her eggs by the Chinese court. 


  • PLA blocked Philippine warship in the waters of Scarborough Shoal: Beijing accused the Philippines' “patrol operations” in the vicinity of Scarborough Shoal, also known as Bajo de Masinloc as “trespassing”, as per the Philippines' National Security Adviser Eduardo Año. Año claims that Bajo de Masinloc is part of the Philippines’ archipelago and therefore it did not illegally enter any space under Chinese sovereignty. On the contrary, Senior PLA Colonel Tian Junli, a spokesperson for the PLA Southern Theater Command, said in a press release that Without authorization from the Chinese government, a Philippine corvette on Monday illegally trespassed into waters off China's Huangyan Island (the Chinese name for Scarborough Shoal). He accused Philippines of seriously violating China's sovereignty and infringement of international law.


  • 24th China-France Strategic Dialogue held in Beijing: Foreign Minister of China Wang Yi, co-chaired the 24th China-France Strategic Dialogue with the French President's Diplomatic Counselor Emmanuel Bonne in Beijing on Monday. The two sides held “friendly and in-depth exchanges” on China-France and China-EU relations. Wang Yi noted that “Common interests between China and Europe far outweigh their differences”; he also emphasized the importance of the EU carrying out pragmatic cooperation with China by avoiding external interference and ensuring mutual openness. He highlighted the significance of the dialogue by marking the 59 years of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, which symbolizes the process of democratization and multi-polarization of international relations. The two sides reached a common consensus to build a conducive space for bilateral strategic dialogue and push for development to tackle the global challenges in the new and unpredictable world. Bonne said “France pays much attention to developing relations with China”, attaching great importance to the status and role of China in the world. The Chinese side showed keenness for more French companies to invest and establish operations in China, and also hoped that France will provide a fair and open business environment for Chinese companies. Both sides hope to, consolidate political mutual trust, and push the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership to a new level.


  • Shenzhou-16 astronauts touched down on Earth: The three astronauts of China's Shenzhou 16 mission returned to Earth after completing a five-months aboard China’s space station, Tiangong (Heavenly Palace) which was built by The Chinese Manned Space Agency (CMSA).  . Astronauts Jing Haipeng, Zhu Yangzhu and Gui Haichao are reported to be in good health condition. In the mission, many experiments like eight-hour extravehicular activity, or spacewalk; cultivating vegetables, and live lectures ere undertaken. The video of the lighting a match in the space station has gained the attention of the whole world. This was a mission to keep the space station operational., The first crew to visit China's space station was referred to as Shenzhou 12, and they had spent 90 days aboard. The CMSA aims to keep Tiangong continuously inhabited by a minimum of three astronauts for at least a decade. Over that stretch, the space station will host many experiments from both China and other countries. China's Shenzhou-17 also took off for the Tiangong space station with youngest-ever crew, on October 26th, with the aim of “"Build a dream at the Tiangong space station and continue to work hard,".


  • California Governor Gavin Newsom visited Yancheng in Jiangsu Province: In his week-long visit to China, Newsom attended the signing ceremony of an MoU between Jiangsu Province and California on strengthening cooperation on climate and environment to push for cooperation in green energy. Newsom highlighted the fruitful cooperation between both the regions over the past 40 years. Both the coastal regions, see great opportunities in consolidating deep friendship, which can be complimented by Yancheng’s , "marine temperament" and clean energy potential. Yancheng being the center of wind power industry of Jiangsu province, California is planning offshore wind power industry development in this region. Yancheng, being only city in China with two international recognitions: "World Natural Heritage" and "International Wetland City" and having red-crowned cranes breeding grounds, symbolizes development while preserving ecosystems and biodiversity resources. After suspension of climate collaboration between the US and China, the fresh developments could be a new path for re-engaging in the run-up to the next the UN climate change conference, which will begin on November 30 in Dubai.



  • Halloween cosplay brings joy to the streets of China: Weibo and many social platforms are flooded with laughter, joy, anticipation for splendid and scary Halloween costumes adorned by the Chinese youth. A multitude of people participating by wearing ghost costumes, organizing parties, and holding events like pumpkin lamp making, candy distribution, masquerade on the theme of ghosts shows how Halloween has gradually integrated into the local culture and social environment. While the event sparked online debates, many lamented over lack of unique holidays in China, for youth to enjoy and take a break from work, however many rebuked the youth for being ‘obsessed with foreign cultures’. The large-scale shootings occurred during the Halloween celebration in Tampa, Florida is also making rounds in Chinese social media, with people questioning the safety and security of people in USA emphasizing on the frequency of such events.



  • The space endeavors of India and China have propelled them into the forefront of the global space race. Both nations recognize the economic potential of space. As ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) is expected to play a crucial role in opening India’s space sector and the success of Chandrayan-3. is to capitalize on a reputation for cost-competitive engineering, which aims to attract private space companies to play an active role in India’s space programme. India and China both are showing their penchant internationally by joint satellite launching operations. Even though China holds a high vantage point, with massive funding for space exploration operations, India has the edge over China in making the most of space commerce opportunities. Apart from its domestic market, India can cater to a more extensive international base as security concerns hamper China’s ability to procure orders from abroad.  India is catching up with China’s Digital silk road, by extending its National Knowledge Network (NKN) to other Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation countries. India is also investing in start-ups like Digantara to monitor the space debris. The competition between the two nations is not only about national prestige but also encompasses security and economic advantages associated with space achievements. While India and China have distinct approaches and priorities in space exploration, their parallel trajectories in this domain underscore a shared commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and technological prowess on the global stage. Since space is not immune to contemporary geopolitics, this watershed moment caused by the entry of budding private space ventures will greatly shape the competition between the two Asian giants.

Prepared By

Riddhima Singh is a final year student at Jawaharlal Nehru University Delhi, pursuing Chinese Honours course. Through her degree she has had the opportunity to dive into culture, history and contemporary issues in Chinese society through language and research. Her research area surrounds the economic and fiscal policies of Communist Party of China and China's development model.

CiCM 31st October 2023

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